The elite knights went into a circle formation. Frac grab Emma's arm while Drageon grabbed Cody. They put them in the radius of the circle. The knights fire away at the bogs. Raizin took the shots, going forward to the two earthlings.
The assassin sliced away, killing knights in his way. Frac and Drageon move into the circle. They put their weapons away and got two crescent blade swords. The brothers charged at Raizin who glowed red.
Drageon and Frac collide their swords with Raizin, struggling to match their strength with him. Raizin pushed Manzanillo against the brothers, backing them away. The two skid to a halt, only to receive a knee to the face. Then, the assassin slam his hand into their chest. Frac and Drageon collide with a group of knights.
Cody and Emma looked at the assassin approaching them. They pointed their weapons, ready to open fire. Raizin touch a button on his communicator. A bomb underneath the two ladies on the level below exploded, dropping them.
The two best friends were falling down a couple of feet. Cody got out a sticky shocker (blue grenade) and threw it at the gapping hole. Raizin walked up to the hole, only to have a grenade stick onto his armor. A jolt of electricity went through his body, causing the assassin to fall on the floor and shake violently.
Emma and Cody hit the ground hard. Cody fell on her right side. Sharp pain hit her as the right leg was sprained. Emma landed on her back. Not enough to make her unconscious but to make her vision spin.
"E-Emma, are you okay?" Cody asked. Well after a big drop, those two should be dead. Damn, I would be good at CinemaSins.
A bog saw Raizin being electrified. It riped the grenade off the assassin and toss it at an elite knight. Drageon and Frac try to get to the two but they were dogpile by the soldiers.
Three nova bombs (purple grenades) blast the bogs off the two brothers, sending them in the air, fading from existence. Nathan and his team come their rescue fighting off the bogs.
"Where's Emma and Cody?" He ask Frac. He pointed at the hole made by Raizin. Before he can run, Nate was tackled by a bog.
Down below, Cody crawled up to her best friend's body. "Emma, you okay?"
Emma look at Cody, her vision was still shaky, she saw 5 of her best friend. "D-d-did you c-clone yourself?"
Cody laughed. "This world ain't ready for that."
The Princess' vision was now clear. Only one Cody by her side. She smiled, trying to sit up, wincing at the pain in the back of her head.
When she open her eyes, the smile faded. Her eyes opened up, her pupils shrink. It felt like her heart breaking into pieces. Tears rolling down her face.
3 Best Friends: The Friendquel
Ciencia FicciónOnce upon a time were three best friends that lived on the planet, Earth. One day, a strange book came into their lives, taking them out of their planet and into a new planet named Felixus, where one's destiny was set. One who will become a princess...