Chapter 4

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After drilling the ice floor with the laser, Raizin pull out the block of ice out and stand it up. The face couldn't be seen, but what he can tell the figure is curvy. Raizin begin to think on what to do with the block of ice.

"I know you'll do the right thing" a sweet sounding voice popped in the assassin's head. Raizin looked around, thinking Shadow playing her games again. But he was the only person there. He growled, picked up the block and follow the path he came from.

It was mid day heading to Rion. Princess Emma continue to think over the past months she's been in reign. Cody and Zee start talking for weeks after Raizin's battle and started dating. Nathan work with a talented swordsman, Master Qin and believes he can defeat Raizin.

Her and Frac get to know each other some more. She know he likes her and he's a great person to talk to. She just don't know how different the men of Felixus is from the men of Earth. He's friendly, charming, and sweet.

Then...there's Raizin. He was a threat to the kingdom, her friends, and herself. But she saw something different in him when she looked into his head. It was happiness and that's not from decapitating his enemies. There was this woman or chelesse with him. Maybe its a look into his past from where he was happy before he turn insane.

"You okay?"

Emma jump as Nathan touched her arm. "Yeah."

"You've been staring at Cody for a good while" he told her. Emma looked at Cody, raising her eyebrows up and down then sending a seductive wink her way. The three laughed. But Nate and Cody knew something was on their friends mind.

After 4 hours, the two ships made it to Rion, heading over to the volcano.

"Welcome to Rion! Home to the fire god, Crimoria. Legend has been told that Crimoria and her brother, Sirlence, the ice god split Felixus for each other, causing wars against each other. It was till their mother Felouis, the creator of Felixus ground the two siblings that Felixus can live in peace" Drageon told the three best friends.

It was then a little diddy start to play in their head. A familiar song they would hear once a year during the holidays:

"She's miss green Christmas, she's miss sun.
She's miss heat blister, she's miss 101°

They call me heat miser, whatever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
I'm too much"

The three best friends finish singing, receiving looks from the two brothers. Drageon landed the Misty in a dark place as well as the elite knights.

"Nathan, we'll have you scout around the place. Once we find Raizin, we'll arrest him. For the bogs, kill on sight. Cody, you'll be with the elites and I. Nathan will lead a team as well. Frac and Princess Emma will lead another team" Drageon order out.

Everyone split up with their team of knights, heading inside the volcano. The facility was dark but with some light thanks to the lava down in the cone.

"Nathan, scout ahead."

Nate use his speed ability and ran throughout the volcano. He didn't see Raizin or any bogs. He saw some machinery and construction layouts. There were also the bombs that were in the picture.

"No sign of them. Found the bombs though." 

"I don't want to risk it blasting the place. I'll send your team to you with our bomb disposal knight" said Drageon. The knights on Nate's team went on to their leader as the other two stay put.

"Raizin would've know we're here" said Frac, pondering whats taking the so called "Greatest Assassin in the Galaxy" long to attack. Princess Emma was wondering the same thing. Raizin is not known for making an entrance. But he would annihilate them by now.

Suddenly the floor broke, sending both teams down below the next level. Frac grabbed Emma and hugged her as he landed on his back hard. Cody slam her fist on the ground when she landed. The knights got up from the fall.

"What took you so long?"

The group looked at the person who spoke. It was Raizin and a group of bogs surrounding our heroes. The assassin took out his sword, Manzanillo. "Save me the Princess and her friend. Kill the others."

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