Chapter two

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Hey guys it's HalliSmile here, hope you are enjoying the book so far! If you love this book then you should definitely go follow StefanKudra and amacutiepie.

Avery's pov

Avery couldn't stop thinking about the black books they were given, while she curled her hair for the party tonight.

"What's wrong" Spencer questioned. Avery placed the curling iron down, and turned around to see Spencer sprawled across her bed.

"Have you read the black book yet?" Avery asked casually.
"No, but Ren seemed into it yesterday" she replied, while playing on her phone.

"Ok, anyway it's your turn to get ready"
"Never in my life, would I get ready" Spencer yelled.

"Oh really" Avery grabbed one of her spray bottles and started spraying Spencer in the face with water.
"Stop, stop, I surrender" Spencer lifted her arms above her head and dropped to her knees begging for Avery to stop.

"Only if you ask Ren out, I know you like him" Avery teased, making a love heart out of her small hands.
"Shut up" Spencer muttered.

"You never denied that you liked him" this time instead of a love heart Avery started making kissing noises.
"I don't like him" Spencer shouted, at the stage of anger she was at, she sprinted out of the room.

Avery heard a loud thump as the front door was slammed shut. After hesitating for a second she ran after Spencer, locking the front door behind her. The cold air greeted Avery, as she sprinted against the strong wind.

Avery's feet came to a stop, as she approached the woods. It was becoming dark and she didn't know if she wanted to take the risk. She could get kidnapped maybe even murdered, ignoring her thoughts Avery started running again.

She finally reached Spencer, grabbing out her phone, she turned it on. Letting light evade her path, enabling Avery to see Spencer, who had her phone out as a torch as well and reading her black book.

"Spencer, I am so sorry about before" Avery apologised. She walked closer and sat beside Spencer.

"Avery, this book has all the details of my life in it so far, what if it had my future too!" Spencer chatted on.

"I'm not joking, look" she gave Avery her book, and Avery flipped to a random page.

"She ran into the woods, panicking. Not knowing where she was going" Avery read aloud, fascinated she kept on reading.

"Minutes later, she stopped at a log and sat down." she skipped a few pages and continued reading.

"That night she fell into a deep sleep....."
"Stop, I don't want to hear anymore" Spencer mumbled.

"Hey guys, what's up" Ren was standing right behind Avery, she screamed from from shock

"Never do that again" Avery yelled at him, standing up she wiped the dirt off of her pants and walked away.

"Wait up" Ren ran after her.

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