Chapter # 11

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Assalam o Aliakum!

Hows everyone? I'm fine now. But still pain is not ready to leave me. I missed you guys :)
So first of all let me thank all of you for supporting me and for new readers who are liking my work. You guys made me feel happy thanks a lot beautiful readers :)
As I'm not still completely fine so plz forgive me. But I think something is better than nothing so here is a quick short update for you guys. Ready for the first twist?
So fasten your seatbelts and hold your hearts to bear this scary chapter..
Happy reading :)
Related to previous chapter..

Maham Waqas's POV

I figure out why Waqas screamed. I looked in the same direction where he was looking.

For my shock he was looking at Mariam. Waqas is behaving weird. Whenever he looks at Mariam he started screaming like a kid screams when he saw a ghost. Mariam looked pale. She was not looking fine.

Everyone was looking at Waqas and then at Mariam. Her gaze was glued to floor. As if she is not here. She is not present mentally but physically.
I saw Hussain glaring Waqas.

Now what's this new thing. I gestured Bisma to call shery. She did exactly what I asked her. Shery looked at me and I gestured him to take Waqas out from here. He came close and took Waqas with him.

Waqas was acting all like a stubborn kid but shery and baba managed to take him out. Asif uncle was holding Ayan in his arms and he took mom and anti with Maha towards outside. So only Bisma, Hussain, Mariam and I was left in the corridor.

I went near Hussain and asked him

" Hussain what happened? I think Waqas have made some kind of mistake that you were glaring him."

He got shocked and was looking at me with his eyes pooling out.
Mariam was still sitting in the same pose on that couch as if she is a stachue.

She didn't even bother to move a bit. Hussain's voice came

"no Bhabi its not that what you are thinking. It's just.. Forget it come lets go."

He tried his best to complete his sentence but was not able so at the end he said to leave. He actually turned to leave but I hold his hand stopping him to do so.

He stopped and looked at me in frustration.

He was looking tired. After when he turned I saw that his shirt was red and still that fluid was dripping from there as if he got injured or his wound still bleeds.

"Hussain yeh kia hua hai. Your shirt is soaked with blood.You are injured?"

He husshed me taking me to the far corner. As if Mariam don't know anything about his wound.

Telling me the whole story what occurred before he sat down on the floor looking all help less.

What the hell is going around here. What happened to me was truth.

A bitter truth that was not a joke...

Unknown's POV

I was standing there at the entrance of hotel Destiny. I am a waiter here and working here from last one and half year after that horrible incident of my life.

I tried my best to get rid of this situation but I am helpless. She is the one never allows me to get rid off. She just try her best to tease me. It's not teasing its killing.

I was waiting for them.

Yeah I was waiting for dhoombros and their family .

I am here to warn them to stay away from them. Today is the day. It's shery's anniversary and mine as well. Shery got married but I know it yesterday.

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