Chapter Two

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"We've been driving for almost an hour. We're lost." I admit breaking the silence.

"You said that 10 minutes ago." He says keeping his eyes on the road.

We'd been driving for 45 minutes non-stop and it was getting foggier by the mile.

"Why don't you just stop and ask for directions?" I suggest.

"Because I know exactly where we're going."

"No you don't!" I almost yell out frustration.

It was currently 4:20 on the clock on attached to car. Why not check my phone you may ask. Because my phone had died around 4:00 because I had gotten bored and started playing Fruit Ninja.

"I mean how hard is it to just pull over and ask someone?" I say practically talking to myself.

At this point we'd gotten off of a freeway I didn't even realise we were on.

"Oh my gosh! I know this street! Take a left!" I exclaim out of excitement.

"It's right from here." He says taking a right.


"Why do you talk so much? Seriously! Ever since you got into this car 'blah blah blah'. Shut up!" He says aggravatedly.

"I- I'm sorry..." I mumble.

After two minutes on that street, we hit a dead end. I was going to say something, but seeing him mad again was the last thing on my bucket list. It was on there, just last.

"Not. A. Word." He says looking straight into my eyes.

I simply nod.

As he begins to go in reverse, I start to get nervous. It was extremely foggy and we, at least I, couldn't see anything.

"Please slow down." I say so quietly I could barely hear myself.

I guess he had heard me, because he just started to go faster.

At this point, the car slightly started to skid.

"Dude!" I say getting scared.

Then he stops the car. Totally randomly. So I look at him. And he has this cocky smile on him.

"See, told you everything would be fine." He says putting the car in Park.

I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Hey, what's that?" I say pointing out his window to two yellow bright lights emerging from the fog.

He turns around, "Shoot! Why won't this go into Drive?" He says struggling to move the shift gear, completely ignoring the fact that he had a coffee thermos there.

"Moving this would help!" I say picking up the thermos.

Before he could move the car, the huge truck comes and collides with us, causing me to hit my head on the dashboard. Because it was foggy, we didn't realise we were on an edge. We get pushed off there and our car begins to tumble. In the split second I have to adjust myself before we crash, I look over in Ian's direction. I guess he got knocked out by the first hit because his forehead was bleeding.

Being lost in my own thoughts, the car hit the ground, rolled over and then hit a tree, making me hit the front mirror and go on to the front of the car. At this point I'm barley conscious. I struggle to get to my phone only to realise that it's dead. With one last sigh of tiredness, the dark takes me away.


I open my eyes only to find out my head aching like hell.

"Urmm.." I grunt as I try and get up. I feel something on my forehead and bring my hand up to touch it.

From Bully to Lover...{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now