Chapter Seven

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Kenzie's POV


'I can't believe I'm finally going home...' I think to myself staring at the trees zipping by.

I'd been ignoring the cop and Ian talk, but suddenly, it got quiet.

I look towards Ian and see him staring at me, and he smiles when he sees me see him.

I return a smile.

"You tired?" He asks as I yawn.

"Just a little, I'll be fine though." I reply.

"You could take a nap you know?" He laughs.

"Uhh... No thanks..." I say nervously, biting my bottom lip, remembering the dream.

"I'll wake you up if you start mumbling." He says assuringly.

I simply close my eyes, and before I know it, I'm in a dark and calm place in my head.


Ian's POV


I see her sleeping with her against the window of the car.

At this point, I had changed my plan.

Sort of.

I was going to kiss her as soon as we get to school.

'The Populars?' I ask myself.

'Are they really more important than her though?' I answer.

Yah, I'm crazy, I'm having a conversation with myself.

But I do need professional advice.

'Ivan's going to say you downgraded.'

'Ivan's a jerk anyways...'

I hear Kenzie adjust herself and her head falls on my shoulder.

If this was happening  a month ago, I would've moved just to see her fall.

I look down and see her calm face.

I handn't seen her this calm for so long.

I slightly lean in and plant a slight kiss on her forehead, causing her to move her head deeper into my shoulder.

Her brown hair, her brown eyes. Every other girl had the same, but they looked so much better on her.

I'd known her since the first day of Sophomore year, problem? I was a huge chicken.

I never talked to her, but I started to make friends with the wrong people, and soon enough, I was the jerky football player who picked on others.

But I've never felt this before.

Around other girls at school, I was always the Player who went around breaking hearts, so I never felt this way about anyone before.

Like, I get butterflies when she smiles. I feel guilty if she's mad.

I grunt in frustration, and lean my head back.

"Something wrong hun?" The blonde cop asks, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"No..." I deny.

"So how long have you and pretty face been dating?" She giggles.

"Uhh, we're not really... going out." I clarify.

"So I'm guessin' you're thinking of doing it soon?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I've seen the way you look at her..."

I don't reply, I just simply lay my head back into the head rest, and close my eyes.


Kenzie's POV


I'm awaken by a hand on my shoulder.

"Wake up, we're here." I see Ian smiling waiting outside the car door.

I clumsily get out of the car, almost tripping over my own feet.

We were standing in front of the town's Police Station.

"Shall we go, Clumsy?" Ian laughs.

"Don't judge me!" I joke sleepily.

We both laugh our way into the station.

I open the door and Ian walks in first, and I follow after.

'Gentelmenly...' I think.

I soon hear a squeal and turn only to find being almost tackled and hugged by a girl much smaller than me.


I look up and see Sergio standing in front of me, smiling.

I immediately hug Marla back and then pull her back so I could see her face.

"I've missed you so much!" I say smiling so big, my face started to hurt.

"I have too, you know? Where were you?" She asks worried. "And why is he with you?" She asks looking towards Ian.

She knew that we didn't get along.

"Uhh... It's a long story, I'll explain later." I say smiling at her.

"Incoming." Marla warns.

"I'm going to go answer a few questions for Blondie, I'll see you Monday?" Ian says coming up to us, smiling at me.

"Yah, I'll see you." I smile back at him.

He begins to walk into a small room with two other police officers.

"Why was he being nice to you?" Sergio asks coming up to me.

"Can we just go over to my place, watch a couple movies, and eat? I don't want this to become an interrogation." I suggest looking at both of them.

I know for a fact that my parents were still out of town on a buissness trip.

"Let me guess, Tangled? Mint Chocolate Chip?" Marla laughs.

"You now me so well." I say putting my arm around her and Sergio.

We walk out of the office only to hear a voice behind me.

"Hun! Wait up!" I hear a southern voice calling me.

It was the blonde officer.

I turn to face her,"Can you come inside for a moment?" She asks.

I look towards Marla and begin to follow the women.

"Did he hurt you in anyway possible?" She asks bluntly turning to face me.

"What?" I ask with a blank expression on my face.


"Uhh... no..." I simply answer looking at my feet.

"You don't have to lie."

"He didn't. He just hurt Ian, that's it." I confirm.

'I'm never going to hear the end of this from Marla...' I think to myself

"If you say so sweety..." She said writing something down on her notepad.

"Have a nice weekend." She smiled politely.

"You too." I say returning a smile.

That's how I spent my weekend, watching movies, eating, and talking to Marla. Inever brought up Roger though, because that would only make her mad. i did tell her about Ian. So my weekend ended pretty well.

School though, I just hope it's better than it was before.

Tomorrow is Monday.

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