Chapter Ten

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Ian's POV


I stand there, still shocked at the sight of Kenzie with the other guy.

As I'm standing there staring at them, I feel a vibration in the back pocket of my jeans.

I take out my phone, to find that it's a text from Ivan.

'Great' I think to myself.

*Bring Dorkzilla to the Cafeteria, will ya Romeo>:)* I read.

*Why?* I reply.

After a few seconds of waiting, he replies.

*Because if u don't, I'll tell the entire school she slept with you;)*

I grind my teeth in frustration and shove the phone back into my pocket.

Taking in a deep breath, I walk towards Kenzie.


Kenzie's POV


"Mr. Pringles seriously needs to calm down in the music room!" Liam complains.

"He can't be that bad! I mean-" I try to reason, as I'm cut off by a hand on my shoulder.

I turn to see Ian.

Liam immediately walks up to Ian and gives him slight push.

"Liam-" I try to stop him.

"Wait. What do you want?" Liam says giving his full attention to Ian.

"I'm just gonna borrow Kenzie for a minute." Ian says looking directly at me, taking a step forward.

"Yah, I don't think so." Liam replies walking in front of me, so there was no way of Ian even touching me.

 I look away unsure of what to do.

"Kenzie, please. If you don't-" Ian starts.

"If I don't,  then what Ian? I'm sick of being your little puppy, that you play with when you want!" I burst.

Liam looks at me shocked.

"Please, if you don't come, then, this'll be bad for the both of us." Ian says with slight worry in his eyes.

I grunt in annoyance, walk up to Ian and stand cross armed in front of him.

"After you." I simply say.

He begins to slowly walk as I follow behind.

We reach the cafeteria, when he rushes next to Ivan.

I just roll my eyes, knowing this was sick plan to embarrass me.

I turn to leave when I see Matt and Alex, two more of Ivan's puppets.

"Get out of my way." I demand.

"And if I don't?" Matt smirks down at me.

I stand there annoyed beyond repair.

I begin to step backwards, when a foot trips me, and I fall hard on my back.

My fall is greeted with various laughs from Ian's crew.

I grunt in pain, and look up to see Ivan's face.

"You need a life." I mumble as I stand up brushing off my thighs.

"What?" He asks shocked.

"I said, you need a life." I repeat, more confidently this time.

"I need a life?"

I simply nod.

"I know you and Ian weren't just playing scrabble this weekend." He says smirking down at me.

"Excuse me?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"How many points for the word slut?" He snickers.

The kids around us replied, with a mixture of laughs, whistles, and 'OoOo's.

I give Ivan a glare, and, well, let's just say, if looks could kill, he'd be on the floor in pain.

 He steps closer to me,"How about, me, you, and the Janitors closet?" He whispers with a smirk.

I shove him off, and barge past Matt and Alex.

I begin to run and make my way into a hallway of classrooms.

At times like these, I wish I were at Hogwarts, so I can disappear into a room.

But unfortunately, there are only so many doors and hallways.

I press my back against the wall, and let gravity do the rest of the work.

My eyes begin to swell with tears, and slowly, they make their way down my cheek.

'I can't believe I liked him!' I mentally scold myself.

I bang my head against the wall behind me, when I hear something.

"Kenzie? Kenzie?!" I hear someone call.


I see him turn a corner and rush towards me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asks worried.

"Leave me alone." I say, sniffling.

"No. I'm not going to leave you." He replies, gently grabbing my shoulders and standing me up.

"You know what? I hate you. I wish I'd just walked to Barnes and Nobles!" I burst.

"You hate me?" He asks under his breath.

"Yah, I'm just going to forget that the crash ever happened." I say, mostly to myself.

"Forget about it?" He asks, looking down at my lips.

"Y-Yah. And I'm going to forget that today ever happened."

"Really?" He asks wiping the tears from my cheek.

"Mmhmm." I agree.

"Good, then I guess you'll forget this too." He whispers, slightly bending down and planting his lips on mine.

I widen my eyes in shock, but then slowly close them.

I could feel him smile between my lips and his, as he pulls me closer by my waist.

He slowly pulls away, and slightly rests his forehead on mine.

"I've been wanting to steal that kiss from you for a long time." He whispers while smiling.

I simply giggle," I still hate you. Eugene." I smile back.

"Don't worry, I hate you too." He says kissing my forehead.

"Dork." I laugh.

"Weirdo." He remarks.


And that is how I, Kenzie flipping Smith, fell for the biggest idiot on the planet, Ian Grant.


Author's Note!!!

Bye my lil' duckies!

Haha, yah, I know, this was TOTALLY predictable and cheesy, but can ya blame a chick for trying?

Haha, Raven, do you mind that I added Mr. Pringles? :I

And who liked the PLL scene>.<


Thank you everyone for reading!!!

I love your faces ^.^


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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