chapter eight

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Dan was nervous to go to Phil's house for two reasons.

Reason number one: Shawn would be left by himself, and that always worried Dan, because he rarely left Shawn.

Reason number two: when Dan was with Phil, for some reason, he felt like Phil could see right through him, which made Dan just spill all his problems and secrets.

Dan sighs. It is last period and the time to go to Phil's house is creeping closer. For some reason, Dan really wants to just leave. Seriously - his leg is shaking impatiently. Dan looks up as he feels a tap on his desk, it's Phil.

"I hope you're not planning on bailing," Phil says, reading Dan's mind, "if you do I will hurt you."

"For some reason, threats from you aren't exactly terrifying," Dan says, rolling his eyes and shifting his gaze sideways out the window beside him, "you're not scary and intimidating enough."

"You are still coming right?" Phil asks, eyeing Dan cautiously, frowning when he sees Dan is avoiding his gaze, "Dan you can't bail! This assignment is due so soon and we haven't started!"

"Now isn't a good time okay?" Dan snaps angrily, glaring at Phil.

"When will it ever be a good time then? Stop avoiding whatever it is and just face up to it," Phil says somewhat angrily, "all you do is push people away, why?"

"Lester, Howell, stop talking!" Mr Hollingsworth snaps, anger evident in his tone, a ruler slamming onto Phil's desk, making the boy jump with fright.

"You know sir, interrupting conversations is actually considered to be quite rude in this modern society, it's this thing called common courtesy," Dan says, raising his eyebrows mockingly at the teacher, who's face grows increasingly red.

It's not a secret that teachers loathe Dan Howell, and if you have one class with him, it's not hard to see why. Dan winds teachers up and makes them look like idiots. It's a known fact that teachers literally beg not to have Dan in their classes, and Dan is secretly proud of this fact.

"And talking over a teacher is basic school rules," Mr Hollingsworth snaps back, a glare of hatred glinting in his cold, grey eyes, "you should know that Howell."

"Well I wouldn't talk if your lesson wasn't so fucking boring," Dan snaps, rolling his eyes, "honestly, you'd think your mouth was a male cow's anal orifice with the amount of bullshit that comes out of it."

"That's it, leave now, and afternoon detention for a week!" Mr Hollingsworth basically roars at Dan, making the boy snigger as he stands, picking up his things.

"Whatever you want sir," Dan says before leaning over and whispering to Phil, "sorry, looks like I won't be able to make it tonight - or for the rest of the week - I have detention."

Dan says it so happily that it really pisses Phil off. If Dan wanted to play like that then Phil will to. He is going to win this battle - whatever it was - and he was going to win the hell out of it. When Dan leaves the room, closing the door behind him, Phil's own hand shoots up.

"Sir! I'm bored," Phil says loudly and quite awkwardly.

"Well Lester that's not my problem," Mr Hollingsworth sighs, tired of all the kids.

"Well you could at least make it exciting," Phil says.

"Look Lester I'm tired..."


"Lester, I did not see this coming from you-"

"I dunno sir, some people just don't see things coming. LIKE YOUR MUM DIDN'T LAST NIGHT!"

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