chapter twelve

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Phil is pissed off at Dan, to say the least.

How can he just brush off that conversation like it was nothing? Phil had never told anyone about his sister who he lost, and when he tells Dan, the next morning it never happened.

Phil sighs deeply, looking across the room to where Dan is asleep on his bed while Phil is editing the videos they filmed on his laptop. Dan looks so calm and peaceful, Phil just wants to stroke him. He looks adorable, to say the least, kind of like a puppy.

Phil swings around on Dan's desk chair, wishing he could get inside Dan's mind to see what he's thinking.

What goes on inside that head of his? What does he think about? What does he dream about? What does he wish for?

Phil wishes he could read minds, it would make his life so much easier. He taps his fingers on the desk as he procrastinates editing and cannot concentrate on being productive. Dan is too distracting.

Phil picks up his phone, sending a quick text to Louise.

Phil: Hey

He gets a reply back almost instantly, because Louise is basically attached to her phone.

Louise: hi. to what do I owe the pleasure?

Phil: to my BOREDOM

Louise: I can help with that.

Phil: that's why I texted you.

Louise: don't be sassy Phil, it doesn't suit you.

Phil: I'll be sassy when I want thanks.

Louise: I think you've been hanging out with Dan for too long.

Louise: speaking of which, how is it? You still alive?

Phil: yep, it's fine. Editing videos atm.

Louise: shouldn't you be busy then?

Phil: yeah, I should probably concentrate :/

Louise: talk later then :)

Phil: ok bye :D

Phil sighs, turning back to the laptop and just staring at the screen. He can't concentrate on editing when his mind is racing with other thoughts.

Phil decides to talk to Dan when he does decide to wake, because his mind won't rest until he does. Phil wants to let Dan know how he made him feel. He also wants Dan to see that anyone can recover from things, some just take longer. And part of Phil holds more than just friendship for Dan, something deeper within him, a connection.

Long story short, Phil is still desperate to see Dan's smile again, he wants to see Dan happy, with him.


Dan is finally ready to help Phil edit some three hours later.

"I think we should bleep out the swear words," Dan suggests, "because it is a school project after all."

"Yeah, I will," Phil replies blankly.

"What about additional editing, jump cuts, sound, music, visual?" Dan asks, wondering how they are going to get all these videos together in a clip.

"Yeah, I got it," Phil answers, his voice so monotoned and emotionless that it could be a robot instead of a human speaking.

"Is there something wrong? You're not being bubbly and annoying as usual," Dan states, looking sideways at Phil, who suddenly fills with anger at Dan's words.

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