chapter eighteen

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// heyo I'm co writing a book of y'all wanna check it out illnamethislater and thanks for the couple of votes for this book on @thefanfictionawards //


Phil notices Dan change slowly.

He notices that Dan has these dark bags under his eyes. He notices how Dan never speaks to anyone now. He notices how Dan always seems angry and tense.

In Phil's view, Dan has a permanent rain cloud hovering over him.

People make sure to avoid Dan now. Phil sees it, he sees the way people basically scramble out of his way when he's walking through a corridor. Dan seems to have this bubble around him which people refuse to step into.

Because Phil knows the truth to why Dan is so angry and upset all the time makes him want to just walk straight up to Dan and throw his arms around him. He can't stand it, every day Dan walks into school looking slightly more broken and blue than yesterday.

But Phil is having his own mental battle. He's stuck in his own bubble of hurt and confusion. He wants Dan, he knows that, but a voice inside him keeps yelling, IT WAS ALL A JOKE, he never wanted you and never will.

It's right, their worlds don't match, their personalities don't match, but that was the beauty of it. Despite being polar opposites, Dan made up for whatever Phil lacked.

But that's gone now, and Phil doesn't know how to feel. He's never been this shattered before.

"Hey Phil!" A cheery voice rings and Phil turns to see Joe walking towards him.

"Oh, hey Joe," Phil replies quietly, giving him a forced smile.

"So I'm having a party tonight, want to come?" He asks.

"Nah, I'll probably just crash at home," Phil says, 100% not in the mood for a crowded room of half drunk, half naked teens.

"Aw c'mon man, please you're so down. It will cheer you up," Joe pesters, following him as he tries to walk away, "please Phil I want to see the old you again!"

Phil pauses as he sees Dan walk past him in the hallway. Phil swears his heart stops and time slows as Dan walks by. Those brown eyes focused on the floor, the way his shoulders were slouched forward like the weight upon them was too much, the way he looks so closed off and fragile...

And then he's gone. He didn't even look at Phil. He just walked straight past.

"C'mon Phil, just let it go. Dan isn't your problem anymore," Joe says.

"Fine," Phil snaps, "I'll come just leave me alone."

Phil then walks off towards his next class, which he has been dreading. His next class is English, and they're handing in their videos.


"So today we'll watch some of the videos you created as a class!" The teacher announces, "first up, how about you Dan and Phil?"

Phil inwardly cringes. He forces himself to his feet and has to mentally drag himself to the front. He plugs the USB into the teacher's laptop and returns to his seat as the video begins to play.

Dan and Phil Funny Gaming Montage flashes on the screen before various snippets of the videos they fined begin to play.

Phil looks at Dan to begin with. He's not watching, his gaze is on the desk in front of him, his expression neutral and distant. Phil looks back to the video - quite a few people are giggling and laughing - which is a good sign.

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