5 | Safe in These Arms

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Calum mouthed the word over and over, but I just stood there, frozen. I can't just leave him here! What do I do? I don't know what to do!

I begin shaking harder as the fear sets in. They're from a gang, they live in the alley. What are they going to do to Cal? Are they going to hurt him? Kill him? My heart drops and my mind begins to wander.

No. Just stay calm.

I take a deep breath, but I keep shaking. I can't think, I can't move. I could call for help, but by the time anyone got here we could both be dead.

I flinch when I hear the sound of a fist impacting something. Cal grunts, and I snap my head up to see the leader of the gang has just punched him, giving Cal a bloody lip. I can't let them hurt him!

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I try to shout, but my throat is dry and raspy. Cal glares at me as if telling me with his mind to run. I lock eyes with him for a moment before flicking mine away to meet the several pairs of eyes now trained on me. "I - I called the police, they're on their way! If you hurt us, you'll get in even more trouble, they're coming right now!" I hope they believe this, because if they don't I probably just got us both a death sentence.

"You did, eh?" One guy says. I gulp and nod. He raises his eyebrows, eying me up and down. "She yours fella?" He asks, turning to Cal. He shoves the others away, wiping his lip.

"Yes," he snaps. He chuckles.

"She's a brave one. Gimme your wallet," he says. Cal stares at him, confused.

"Rico..." Another one says.


Like the man I heard getting yelled at when I went out with mom and Luke.

"Give me your wallet," Rico says, lunging at me, "or I take this little one instead." I see Calum flinch as he quickly pulls his wallet out. Rico takes the twenty dollar bill in it, letting go of my shirt and motioning the others to follow him back into the alley. "Smart move," he calls.

"What the hell Rya!" Cal exclaims, making me flinch. Now I'm gonna get it. "I told you to run!"

"I couldn't just leave you!" I protest. I really don't know what else to say.

"I'm responsible for you when Luke's not here, and if you had pulled something more risky, you'd be dead, and Luke would never forgive me!" I roll my eyes.

"If you died and I just ran away, I'd never be able to forgive myself!" I shout back. My throat is tight and I can feel the tears building in my eyes. Cal sighs, wiping some blood from his lip.

"C'mon," he says, taking my wrist and tugging me back to the studio. I'm still shaking when we get there. "I'm gonna wash my lip, I'll be right back," he says. I wait until he's gone and sprint to the girl's bathroom, locking the main door behind me. I run to the end of the bathroom and curl up in the corner near the sinks, burying my face into my arms. I quietly sob as I continue to shake. I know Cal is going to tell Luke, and he's gonna yell at me, too. I hate it when people yell. I hate it so much.

I don't know how long I've been in here, but I'm glad the boys haven't come looking for me yet. I check my phone and see Luke's been texting me since a little bit after Cal and I left. I ignore the messages and see its late. I'm starting to get tired, but I refuse to leave the bathroom, because I know how angry everyone will be.

I snap my head up when I hear the the door handle jiggle. Someone's trying to open it. "Rya, unlock this door right now," Luke says. I sniff quietly. He sounds upset and worried. I can't tell whether it's an angry or sad kind of upset, but if Cal told him what happened I'm sure he's more angry. So I just curl myself into the tightest possible ball I can and cower into the corner. Maybe he'll give up. He's a guy anyway, it's not like he can just walk in here. I roll my eyes. Of course, he will. I know he will, because he doesn't care what kind of bathroom this is if he need to talk to me.

"Rya, come on. Please," Luke pleads. He sounds irritated that I'm ignoring him, but I can hear the desperation and pleading in his voice. I sigh, unlocking the door, but push a garbage can in front of it. I quickly run back to the end stall and lock myself in, sitting on the closed toilet seat with my knees to my chest.

About a minute later, I hear the sound of the garbage can being pushed out of the way. Luke sighs as he approaches the last stall.

"I know you too well, Ry," he says with a low chuckle. "C'mere."

"I don't want to," I say quietly, my voice still tight from crying. He sighs again as he bends down and slides under the opening at the bottom of the stall, making me frown. Luke always has a way of getting to me.

"Are you mad?" I ask. He's sitting with his legs bent, arms resting on his knees.

"Not really," he chuckles. This surprises me.

"I almost killed me and Cal," I whisper.

"That was a dumb move," he agrees.

"What else was I supposed to do? He told me to run, but I couldn't just leave him there." He pauses for a long time, staring off into space.

"I understand that, but what if he was armed? You can't just confront someone dangerous like that."

"But he didn't have a gun," I protest.

"Okay, how about we solve this problem by agreeing to never do that again. Deal?" He extends his hand, and I stare back at him.

"You promise you're not mad?" He smiles and nods, so I shake his hand. We then sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Cal yelled at me," I whisper. Luke nods.


"I think he was mad at me."

"He just loves you," Luke says. The realization begins to set in.

I confronted a drug dealer. I could've gotten myself killed.

"It was really scary," I whisper, my voice wavering as the tears come back.

"I know," Luke whispers again.

He gently pulls me off the toilet seat and into his arms. I go gladly into them, curling into his shoulder as I cry again. He just holds me and rocks back and forth, knowing this always calms me down. I'm glad he's here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

A/N - Aw, I love Rya and Luke :) but man, those drug dealers are salty😂 idk what else to say so byeee! Xoxo - Em😊❤️

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