59 | Holidaze

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Rya's POV;

Time has been flying by lately, and before I know it Christmas is already around the corner. It's only one week away, meaning Luke will be back in just a few days. I'm very excited that our entire family will be together for Christmas. Well, other than dad. He seems to have vanished; no one's heard from him since he visited me in the hospital. I guess he doesn't want to be a part of our lives anymore.

I shake that thought away as Ben waltzes into the house, swinging his car keys around his finger. "Hello family!" He chirps.

I hoist myself up onto the counter and take a bite of my apple while mum sits at the kitchen table and downloads pictures from her camera onto her computer.

"Ready to do some shopping?" Jack questions from the couch in the living room.

Ben nods, fiddling with his fingers. "First, there's something I need to tell you," he says hesitantly.

"Oh no, what'd you do now?" I tease, sliding off the counter and skipping over to the living room. Mum closes her laptop and joins us as well.

"You all like Gracelynn, don't you?" He questions.

I nod eagerly, as do mum and Jack. Ben and Gracie have been dating since they were in high school when he asked her to their senior prom. They've known each other basically their entire lives, and I've always liked her.

"Well . . . I'm glad, because I'm going to propose to her," Ben says with a slight blush on his cheeks. I gasp, my mouth falling open as I squeal.

"When?" I question excitedly. "I wanna be there for it!"

"On Christmas," Ben says, looking to mum for approval. She grins and nods.

"I'll finally have a sister!" I exclaim, making mum laugh.

"I'm sorry three brothers aren't good enough for you," Jack pouts, faking a hurt expression.

"I'm so happy for you, Ben," mum says, smiling widely and giving him a hug. I hug him as well and Jack gives him a "bro-hug" in congratulations.

"I'm going to throw you the best bachelor party ever," Jack states with a devious smirk. Mum huffs and smacks Jack's shoulder, causing me to giggle.

"Will there be strollers?" I question, looking between my brothers.

"Rya!" Mum scolds, I bite my lip to suppress my laughter.

"There had better not be," mum warns, making us all laugh.

"They'll never know, they can't even come," Jack whispers loudly, making me laugh even harder.

Mum huffs again and smacks both boys. "You two are terrible," she sighs.

"Hey, you raised us woman," Jack chuckles, raising his arms in defense.

"Alright, now let's get to the shopping!" I exclaim, jumping up to grab my purse.

"Yeah, better buy Gracie something spectacular for Christmas," Jack nudges Ben with a wink, causing me to gag. Mum gasps and smacks Jack yet again, also appalled that I know what Jack is talking about. She shakes her head and ushers us out the door and into the car, Ben in the passenger seat and Jack and I in the back.

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