8 | Titanium

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As swarms of people from behind the stage surround Michael, I notice the other three boys are still finishing their grand finale. When they find out what happened to Mikey, it'll be even more chaotic. I want to stay and make sure he's okay, but I don't really know what to do. His face is very badly burnt, and he's just sitting off to the side of the stage, holding his face. I can't imagine how badly that must hurt, an entire side of his face looks like a burnt marshmallow.

I know I'll only get in the way, but I still want to help. I quietly weave through all the people fussing over Mikey, and he looks absolutely miserable. I bite my lip, not sure what I can do.

"What can I do?" I ask quietly, sitting next to Mikey. He just shakes his head, and I can see him shaking and trembling as he holds his face tighter. I hate seeing him like this.

"Miss, you're going to need to get out of the way," someone says as a medical person rushes up to Mikey.

I sigh as I slowly back away and retreat to the dressing room. I sit on the couch and decide to tell Willow what happened. She sounds just as shocked, and tells me to keep her updated.

A little while later, I hear the door open and Luke sticks his head in. "Oh, hey, there you are," he says, out of breath. I feel guilty again that because he didn't know where I was, he thought I'd run off again.

"Mikey got hurt and there were a bunch of people trying to help. I didn't wanna get in the way," I tell Luke. He smiles a little, but I can see the worry on his face.

"Come on, they're gonna take him to the hospital." I nod, still worried.

"It looked bad. Is it really that bad?" Luke sighs and nods sadly.

"Yeah. It is. Do you wanna come to the hospital with us?"

Well where else would I go? Back to the hotel with a security guard? Of course I want to go with Luke! Except for one thing: hospitals scare me to death.

I don't really know why, but I remember going there with my mum once when she got hurt. It was terrifying, because a nurse took me away from her and she was rushed away. I remember I couldn't stop crying, and I didn't get to see her for a long time after that. But that's all I remember about the incident, so it must've been a long time ago.

"I wanna come," I finally say. Luke nods and we exit the stage from the back since there's so much commotion happening off to the side.

Luke, Cal, Ash and I sit in the waiting room for a long time. It's already late to begin with because the guys normally perform at night, so it was around ten when the show ended. Now it's close to eleven, and I'm exhausted. No one really knows what to say, so we sit in silence.

"I remember when mum had to come to the hospital once," Luke says to me quietly, breaking the deafening silence. I look up at him, intrigued. "She was helping decorate the house for Christmas and she fell off the ladder, and I had to call 911."

I suddenly remember this like it was yesterday.

- Flashback -

It's almost Christmas, and I'm super excited! Mummy and daddy are getting the house ready with decorations, and I love it because the house always looks so great when they're done. I sit on the floor and watch as mom climbs a tall ladder to put little statues on a ledge really high up.

"Be careful mummy," I warn. She smiles down at me.

"I am sweetie, don't worry."

Suddenly, our dog Molly runs into the room and bumps the ladder, making mom loose her balance. I watch as she falls and lands on her side with a loud crash.

"Mummy!" I yell. Luke hurries into the room, and I get up and hide behind him, squeezing him tightly. He rushes to get the phone and he dials a number.

"What're you doing?" I ask frantically. He just shushes me and waits for someone to answer. "My mum fell and she isn't moving," he says. There's a pause and I can hear muffled voices on the other line. He turns and watches her. "Yes," he says. He nods after another minute before hanging up the phone. I follow him over to mum, where he watches her. She looks like she's sleeping. Suddenly, I can hear a siren wailing, and I'm afraid. Two strangers run inside and take mummy away, while a third escort me and Luke.

"Wait, where are you taking her?" I cry, but no one answers.

"You need to come with us," the person says.

"Mummyy!" I reach my hands out, but a nurse grabs me and pulls me away. I watch as she gets farther and farther away. After that, I loose it. Not even Luke can console me. I just cry and cry until there are no more tears, until I'm finally allowed to see her again.

Luke watches me with sad eyes when he realizes I remember. It's something that's now drilled into my brain, and I know I won't ever be able to forget that day. I give Luke a small, reassuring smile, leaning on him, and before I know it, I've fallen asleep.

Luke's POV;

I smile down at Rya, sound asleep with her head on my lap. As soon as I spoke of the time our mom was taken to the hospital, I could tell by her facial expression she remembered it all. After it happened and we all went home, and she seemed to forget about it completely. She literally had no memory of it up until now. Dad even brought it up to our grandma a few years ago, and she had no idea what they were talking about. I understand why. She was only four, she must've been so traumatized.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a doctor comes into the waiting room. "Any relatives for Michael Clifford?" He asks. Ashton and Calum stand up, and he approaches us. "Michael is going to be fine. He's got some third degree burns on his face, and they're pretty bad, but I've decided he's well enough to be discharged." We all sigh in relief, and about ten minutes later he appears with bandages covering an entire half of his face. He gives a small smile, the biggest he can manage with the burns and bandages, and Ashton and Calum pat him on the back. I'm so relived he's okay.

Once Michael signs a few papers, we're allowed to leave. I gently scoop Rya up in my arms and carry her to the car. I sit in the back, so instead of bucking her in I just leave her on my lap. The ride back to the hotel isn't very long, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all relieved there aren't any fans waiting outside the hotel entrance. I check the time and see that it's 1:30am. Wow, I didn't realize how long we were at the hospital for. No wonder Rya fell asleep. I lift her up again and carry her up to our room, take off her shoes, and tuck her into bed before getting ready myself. I can't help smiling again as I watch her sleep peacefully, then get into bed as well. Tomorrow, we'll be leaving for Manchester. I wonder what's in store for us.

A/N - Greetings my fellow earthlings! I really, really enjoyed writing the flashback, idk why, I just think little Luke and Rya are super adorable:) The gang's headed to Manchester next, what will happen? No one knows... Except me of course😏 Well, stay tuned! Xoxo - Em😊❤️

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