48 | Force of Nature

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Rya's POV;

"Why can't I come?" I whine, clinging to Luke as he tries to leave our little beach house. He shakes his head with a slight smile, "Because there's a severe weather warning and I don't want you out during that," he says, moving his head upward to look out the window. The sky is gray and the waves are huge outside. It looks like it's very windy, too.

"Come on, we'll have fun!" Michael says, trying to detach my arms that are wrapped tightly around Luke's waist. I give one last hug as he and Cal jog out to the car. They have to go stock up on safety supplies since a huge storm is supposed to hit soon. I wish I could go with Luke, though. What if something bad happens?

Michael lifts me up and carries me over to the couch, being extremely giddy to try and make me laugh. I look out the window again and watch the dark gray clouds moving quickly across the sky. The ocean is a dark blue, almost gray like the clouds, and the beach is completely deserted.

"Cheer up little one," Ashton says as he flops down next to me on the couch. "Let's have some fun!"

I'm not normally this immature about being separated from Luke. But with everything that's happened over the summer, I've noticed I've started getting more clingy. I'm just afraid I'll lose him. I can't lose Luke, I don't think I would ever recover from that.

I quickly shake that horrible thought out of my head. My phone starts ringing and Ashton hands it to me while Michael raids the cabinets for snacks.

"It's mama Liz!" Ashton says. I giggle a little as I answer. Mum has been calling me everyday since I came back on tour with the boys. I appreciate her caring, but I'm glad to be with Luke.

After we talk for a little bit, I hang up the phone and look out the window. My eyes widen as I see things flying around. The wind is getting really strong, and the waves are getting bigger and more powerful.

"Guys, there's a hurricane watch out," Michael says as he reappears in the little living area. I feel my heart start to race. Luke and Cal are out in this!

"Okay, we have to start boarding up the windows and doors," Ashton says. I can see the panic rising in both boys even though they're trying to stay calm. Probably for my sake.

"Why?" I ask as I watch them start running around.

"To protect us from the wind," Michael says. "Come help me." I follow him and help him nail the boards to the windows in the kitchen while Ashton boards up the doors.

"Wait, what about Luke and Calum? They won't be able to get in!" I say, my voice wavering slightly. Michael smooths down my hair to try and calm me. "They'll be safe in town, there are tons of hurricane shelters," he says we move to the next window. I nod, but I don't recall hearing about any hurricane shelters. My mind is buzzing with questions, but I know that now isn't the time to be asking them.

I pick my hammer up and move to the next window, just in time for a huge piece of metal or something to hit the window. I shriek and cover my head, ducking behind the closest object I can find, which happens to be the coffee table. I feel the pieces of glass on the back of my neck and try not to move. My heart is pounding, my breathing is rapid and my body is shaking.

"Don't move," I hear Ashton say gently. He takes a towel and brushes the glass off of me before slowly helping me to my feet. I wince as I feel a sting on my cheek, and Ashton gently wipes the blood away.

"Okay, I got all the windows," Michael says as he brushes a few shards of glass from my hair. I glance in the bathroom mirror and see I have a slight scrape on my cheek, but it isn't bad.

"Now what?" I ask quietly. I check my phone to see if Luke has said anything but there isn't any service. The lights flicker off and then come back on and the wind rattles the boards on the windows, making me flinch. Michael takes my hand and leads me into a bedroom and Ashton follows us with pillows, blankets and flashlights.

"Now," Michael says, pulling me into his arms, "we wait."

Trying to sleep is extremely hard. Whenever I close my eyes, I have a nightmare about Luke or Cal or Willow. It's mostly Luke, because I have no idea  where he is or if he's okay. Michael and Ashton keep telling me that everything will be okay, but I have a horrible feeling.

I wipe the tears away and bury myself under the blanket. I feel Michael tighten his grip on me.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Michael whispers, rolling over and sliding his thumb under my eyes. "Everything will be okay." I cuddle closer to him, feeling a bit safer. "You don't know that," I whisper back. Michael sighs sadly and rubs my back. "But we can hope."

"Willow is dead," I state, the intensity of my words shocking me. "She's dead, because she fell out of a tree! She hit her head just right, and it killed her. Nothing is okay," I say, my voice trembling. Michael just stares at me before pulling me into his chest. "I know. But not everything will turn out the way that did," he says. "We have to have hope."

I guess he's right. Hoping that Luke is okay is the only thing I can manage right now.

A/N - well. I don't know if this is considered a cliff hanger, but I was going to put one in much more suspenseful than this. I decided not to though, so you're welcome😂 where are Luke and Cal? Are they okay? The world may never know... Just kidding. you'll all know with due time.

ALSO! TODAY WAS MY LAST OFFICIAL DAY OF SCHOOL! Only exams and then I'm freeeee!! I hope you all have a fantabulous day, and good luck for those of you who have exams like I do :) Xoxo - Em😊💚

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