Best Date Ever

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Tobin opened Alex's car door for her and the two made their way to the restaurant. The date was going perfect. The two spent dinner talking about everything from soccer to their families. Neither one of them could keep a smile off of their face. At one point the conversation shifted when Alex mentioned that she had noticed some of the girls on the team seemed much closer than the others.

"So...are their any relationships on the team?"

"What do you mean?" Tobin questioned as she shoveled another piece of sushi into her mouth causing Alex to giggle.

"Well I spend a lot of time paying attention to people...reading them I guess you could call it and I noticed a few of the girls are a lot closer to each other than the others."

"You mean like us?" Tobin smirked picking at her sushi without even realizing she had said that out loud. When she did realized it, her eyes got wide and she nearly panicked. "I...I didn't mean it like..."

"Yes, us." Alex smiled as she ran the inside of her foot up Tobin's lower leg, sending a shiver down her spin. Tobin blushed and smiled back at Alex who gave her a wink.

"Okay, so who are you talking about, specifically, Morgan?" Tobin chuckled.

"Well the first two I noticed were Ashlyn and Ali. They're always together and I mean always. They show up to practice together, spend all practice side by side giggling, and then they leave practice together and if I'm not mistaken...I think I saw Ashlyn slap Ali's ass during one practice." Tobin started laughing at Alex's observations.

"Wow, you really do watch people. But, you're good at what you do. Ashlyn and Ali are dating. They have been for like 2 years, I think."

"YES!" Alex exclaimed quietly as Tobin confirmed her suspicions. "I knew it."

"You're cute, Morgan." Tobin smiled. "Okay, who else?"

"Julie and Press."

"What about them?" Tobin questioned as she leaned over the table and absentmindedly fed Alex a piece of sushi from her chopsticks. Alex giggled at how cute Tobin was being without even realizing she was doing it.

"Mm, oh my god, that's so good! Anyway, they kind of act like Ash and Ali do towards each other just a little less obvious. They're really close. They sneak small touches in when they think no one is looking and they look at each other like they see forever in each other's's actually really beautiful."

"Well, Julie and Christen are really close really close. The whole team suspects that something more is going on between them but neither of them have come out and said anything to anyone yet so we're all just kind of waiting for it to happen at this point." Tobin explained.

"Ha...kinda like us, huh?" Alex smirked.

"Yeah...exactly like us. Except..." Tobin reached out and took Alex's hand "If I was more than friends with the Alex Morgan" she brought Alex's hand to her lips and kissed it softly "I'd shout it from the rooftops so everyone could hear." Alex blushed and shivered under Tobin's soft lips. She shook her head and pulled her hand away to eat another bite of her sushi.

"Smooth, Heath. Very smooth." she teased.

"What can I say, I'm a natural charmer." Tobin teased back. "Okay, so anyone else on your list of possibilities?"

"Actually, yes. One more." Alex took a sip of her wine before looking deeply at Tobin.


"You and Kelley." Tobin choked on her sushi when Alex's final pair came out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry...who?!" Tobin questioned after she stopped coughing and washed down the sushi lodged in her throat with her wine.

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