Road Trip

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"Do you want me to just wait here?" Alex asked pulling into Tobin's driveway.

"No, you can come in we just have to be quiet because my roommates are probably still sleeping." The two quietly made their way to Tobin's room so she could pack her bag.

"I didn't know you didn't live alone." Alex brought up.

"Nah, this actually isn't even my place. It's theirs, they're just chill enough to let me crash here whenever the team isn't on the road." Tobin shoved some clothes into her bag and searched for more.

"Oh. So you don't have your own place at all?" Alex continued her questioning.

"Nope. I've never really been the "home body" type, I guess. Whenever we have breaks I typically go somewhere new every time. Family, friends, all kinds of random places, really." Tobin explained. "The team jokes around and calls me homeless but I don't see it that way. I'm still pretty young and always traveling with soccer...I don't really see the point of having my own place right now, I suppose." Tobin finished and zipped up her bag. "Ready?" Alex put the topic to rest for now. She puckered her lips at Tobin and waited. Tobin smiled and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Alex's already perched lips. "You're cute, babe. Alright, let's get outta here."

The two made it to the bus meet up with about five minutes left to spare. The two arriving together brought about some curious looks and conversation between the team.

"It's about time you guys...we were worried you were going to be late!" Abby shouted as the two got out of the car.

"Nah, just kinda forgot that we needed to pack stuff" Tobin laughed as she grabbed bother her and Alex's bag from the car trunk.

" both forgot to pack, huh? Like forgot...together?" Kelley smirked as she threw her back into the under storage compartment of the bus. The rest of the team chuckled and looked to Tobin and Alex for an explanation. Alex blushed hard at the comment and looked down, not sure of what to say. Tobin noticed and as she walked past the forward she gave her a reassuring touch on the small of her back.

"Shut it, Kelley. Is it a crime to carpool nowadays? Just trying to protect the earth, dude." Tobin teased throwing her and Alex's bag at Kelley to put in the compartment and walked back to Alex giving her a smirk.

"No, of course not! After all, we all know how environmentally friendly you are, Tobin!" Kelley teased back shoving the two's bags into the compartment with her own. 

"They're just teasing, babe. Don't worry about them." Tobin reassured, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Mm. I really like when you call me babe" Alex smiled. She wanted so bad to kiss her new girlfriend but knew it wasn't the time or place.

"Am I the only one who noticed that little hand holding moment between the two of them just now??" Julie whispered, interrupting Kelley and Hope's conversation.

"No, I noticed it when she first walked over to Alex...there's definitely something going on between the two of them." Kelley answered. Hope shook her head.

"I think you guys are thinking too much into it" Hope chuckled.

"Oh come on, there's no way they both "forgot to pack" and Tobin doesn't give two craps about the environment!" Kelley retorted.

"I totally agree with you, Kells." Julie added.

"Well even if you are right and there is something going on between them it's nobody else's business but their's. If they want us to know they'd tell us." Hope shut down the conversation as Pia joined the team.

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