Slowly but Surely...

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"Bring it in ladies!!!" Pia shouted walking onto the field. The whole team circled up around her and took a knee. Alex and Tobin knelt down next to each other. "So, as you all know we have some business to take care of." Pia sighed looking to Alex. Alex let out a nervous sigh. Tobin felt the tension so she reached out and gave the forward's hand a squeeze. Alex relaxed and smiled. "Morgan." Alex stood up and looked at Pia. "I, for one, am more than impressed with the effort and skill you've showed us this past week." The whole team nodded, agreeing with Pia. "With that, I'm confident that I can speak for everyone here and say that we would be more than happy to welcome you onto this team. Permanently." A huge smile came across Alex's as the team started clapping and all stood to congratulate her. "Alright ladies, that's all for today. Be here at 7:30 sharp tomorrow to catch the bus for our games this weekend." Pia shook Alex's hand then left the field, the rest of the team followed suit after they finished congratulating the newbie. Tobin hung back though.

"Congratulations, superstar." Tobin flashed the forward a smile that made Alex weak in the knees.

"Well thank you very much" Alex retorted taking a slow step in towards Tobin. "I figured I better make the team if I want to keep bugging you." She flirted as she reached up and picked a piece of grass out of the midfielder's hair. Tobin grabbed ahold of the bottom of Alex's jersey and pulled her in close, keeping her hands on the forward's waist. Alex reached up and wrapped her arms around the brunette's neck.

"You can bug me any day of the week, Alex Morgan."

"Good because I don't plan on leaving you alone anytime soon." Alex answered confidently.

"Good, because I don't ever want to be left alone by you." Tobin began pulling Alex in closer and the pair's lips gravitated closer to each other. Alex turned her head shyly at the last second and nuzzled her face into the crook of Tobin's neck.

"We better go get changed" she sighed. She couldn't stand the thought of having to break her touch with Tobin. Just as Alex turned to head for the locker room Tobin reach out and took her hand.


"Yeah, Tobs?"

"Would you maybe want to go out with me celebrate? I know a really amazing sushi restaurant that I think you'd really like." Tobin looked down a her feet, worried that Alex wouldn't be interested. Alex noticed the midfielder's nerves, she smiled, stepped up to Tobin, leaned in and place a soft, lingering kiss on her cheek.

"I would love to go out with you tonight, Tobin Heath." She whispered in Tobin's ear before turning around and walking towards the locker room. Tobin stood there for a minute, cheek still tingling from Alex's soft lips, before Alex broke her concentration. "Better get a move on or you're going to be late for a very important date." Alex giggled and started running away as Tobin took off after her. The two got back to the locker room where Tobin stripped off her jersey, grabbed her towel and headed towards the shower when she noticed Alex was packing up to leave.

"Where are you going..?" Tobin asked, confused.

"What? You think I'm going to make this easy on you and we'd just leave from here?" Alex smirked. "We're doing this the proper way. I'm going home to get myself ready, why don't you pick me up in like two hours?" Tobin locked eyes and moved towards the forward.

"Two hours sounds perfect. I can't wait." She leaned in and made it her turn to leave a soft kiss on Alex's cheek. Alex blushed and left. She rushed back to her apartment and immediately got in the shower. She spent the rest of the time, before Tobin got there, rushing around in her towel putting on her make-up, picking out her clothes, making sure everything was perfect. She was putting the finishing touches on her make-up when her doorbell rang. She looked down at the clock and smiled before heading over to the door to greet her date. She opened the door with a smirk "You're two minutes la..." Alex's words fell as did her jaw. Her eyes wide and locked on Tobin's body. Tobin had on skin tight, black skinny jeans, a loosely fitted, white v-neck, Nikes and she actually did her hair and make-up. It wasn't much, but to Alex, it was everything. She had never seen Tobin in this setting before and she was mesmerized.

"Wow." Alex absentmindedly bit her lip then blushed because she couldn't believe she had said that out loud.

"Wow to you too, Ms. Morgan." Tobin smirked as she brought her hand around from behind her back and handed Alex a single white rose. " for you." Alex blushed again as she took the rose, putting it under her nose and inhaling deeply.

"How'd you know I loved white roses...?" Alex questioned, baffled by Tobin's sweet surprise.

"I guess I'm just that good" the midfielder smiled as she kissed Alex's cheek"...and because I asked Kelley to ask you what your favorite flower was. You look absolutely beautiful, Alex." she whispered in the forward's ear. Alex moved her head to the side and gently caressed Tobin's cheek with her own.

"Mm...thank you." Alex felt Tobin's hands on her waist, gently pulling her in closer so there was no more room between their bodies. She pulled her face back so they were mere inches apart. She gently bit her lip as she noticed Tobin glancing down at them. Tobin gravitated closer towards her lips but, yet again, right before they touched Alex turned her head and giggled. Tobin let out a small, frustrated sigh. "Don't we have a date to go on first, hot shot?" Alex teased as she kissed Tobin's ear, sending goosebumps down the midfielder's body. She tipped her head back and cleared her throat to calm herself down.

"You're right" Tobin turned and held out her arm for Alex to take. She quickly accepted the invitation. "Let's go superstar."

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