The Night Before

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The team met Pia in the lobby to head out for practice.

"Alright ladies listen up! Abby, everyone accounted for?" Pia asked.

"Pretty sure, coach!" Abby answered quickly after taking a head count of the team.

"Okay good." Pia started and was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. "As you can hear the weather isn't really in our favor at the moment. So here's what we're gonna do. There's an indoor facility about 2 blocks away but it's not big enough for the entire team to practice at once so we're splitting you up in half and I'll take half now and the other half will come with me afterwards." The girls let out small groans at the idea but listened to see who was going first. Pia handed Abby a sheet of paper and headed for the bus.

"Alright so it looks like half are with me and the other are with Carli. So up first with me are Solo, O'Hara, Kreiger, Cheney, Heath, Press, Rapinoe, Sauerbrunn, Engen, and Morgan. The rest of you are with Carli and will practice in an hour and a half when we're done. To the bus ladies." Abby motioned for her group to make their way to the bus. The first group piled onto the bus and took their seats. Alex, of course, sat with Tobin.

"Oh boy, I was holding my breath there...for a minute I didn't think I was going to be in your group" Alex sighed as she grabbed ahold of Tobin's hand. Both of the team's practices went well and everyone felt like they were ready for the next day's game against Haiti. Everyone was back at the hotel, settling down for the night. Tobin and Alex were watching a movie on Alex's laptop when Tobin's phone went off.

Kells: "You have SO much explaining to do! NOW!" Tobin chuckled to herself.

"Who's that baby?" Alex questioned innocently.

"It's Kelley, I told her about us...well...kinda. But I told her I'd explain later and I guess she would like now to be 'later'" Tobin answered looking to Alex for permission to leave halfway through the movie.

"Go ahead baby girl, I wanted to Skype my mom anyway and she can talk forever! Just don't miss curfew!" Alex smiled.

"I won't, thanks baby." Tobin leaned in and left a soft kiss on her girlfriend's lips "I'll be back in a bit." Tobin slipped on her sandals and threw on a sweatshirt before responding to Kelley.

Tobs: "Lol, okay okay! On my way to your room, now"

It was a few minutes before Tobin was knocking at Kelley's door. Tobin could hear Kelley rushing to the door and before she knew it she was being yanked into the room.

"Jesus Kells!! Give me whip lash why don't ya!" Tobin complained as she sat down on Kelley's bed. "Where's Hope?"

"I killed her" Kelley replied sarcastically receiving a dirty look from Tobin. "She's with Carli, where else would the dynamic duo be doing?? I'm surprised they survived having to practice separately today!" Kelley joked sitting on Hope's bed. "Ok. Spill. Now."

"Well, what do you wanna know, Kells?" 


"Okay well after Pia announced that Alex had made the team we hung back on the field after the team left. I congratulated her and then asked her on a date which she said yes to. I showed up to pick her up with a white rose and..."

"SO THAT"S WHY I HAD TO ASK HER FAVORITE FLOWER!! You know I looked like a real creep asking that, Heath!" Kelley interrupted.

"HAHAHA, well if it makes you feel any better she loved it..?" Tobin tried making the situation better but still received a dirty look from Kelley. Tobin continued with her story, telling Kelley the few details there was since her and Alex just barely started dating.

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