The Death of Me

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All the girls made their way to their assigned rooms to unpack their stuff and get ready for practice. Hope and Kelley made it to their room first.

"You can pick whichever bed you want, Kells." Hope offered, setting her bag down.

"Hmm..." Kelley stood there, rubbing her chin like she was really pondering the decision. Hope couldn't help but laugh at her silliness.

"Really? It's that big of a decision?" Hope laughed.

"YES! What if it gets cold this weekend...then I have to deal with a draft coming from the windows if I choose that bed. But...if I choose this one then I'm closest to the door and I hate that..." Kelley explained thoroughly. Hope chuckled as she finished putting her clothes into the dresser drawer. When she turned around Kelley was still staring at the beds.

"10, 9, 8, 7..." Hope began counting down.

"OKAY, OKAY!! I'll take the window bed!" Kelley decided quickly.

"Good. Now that that took way longer than necessary. We should get ready for practice." Hope laughed.

"Well I'm sorry but that was a lot of pressure!! Tobin typically just walks in and throws her shit on a bed and that's that." Kelley joked.

"Yeah, what do you think's up with Pia rooming you with me instead of Tobin?" Hope questioned. "Not that I mind sharing a room with you, you know I love you Kells. I just didn't see it coming."

"I don't know...maybe Pia just wanted to accommodate Alex a little since it's her first road trip with the team. Oh well." Kelley guessed, putting her clothes away but throwing her practice uniform onto her bed so she could get ready with Hope. "Wanna get ready and then go see if Alex and Tobin want to grab a quick snack beforehand?" Kelley asked pulling on her jersey.

"Yes, I'm starving" Hope exaggerated. The two finished getting dressed and made their way to Alex and Tobin's room.


"I can't believe we're rooming together." Alex sighed wrapping her arms around Tobin's neck.

"I know. This is going to be perfect!" Tobin leaned in and kissed her girlfriend. She went to pull away but Alex eagerly pulled her in again, deepening the kiss. Tobin let out a soft moan and gently pushed Alex's hips back towards the bed. When the forward felt the back of her legs hit the bed she laid back, pulling Tobin on top of her. She ran her tongue across the midfielder's bottom lip and she immediately granted her entry. The two explored each other's mouths while Alex took the time to let her hands wander over Tobin's body. She pulled on the bottom of Tobin's shirt and just as she was about to lift it off they heard a knock at the door.

"Let us in lovebirds, we're hungry!" They heard Kelley shout from the other side. The couple looked back at each other and rolled their eyes. "OW!" They heard next.

"The team is going to be the death of me this trip, I can already tell." Tobin groaned. She rolled off of her girlfriend and got up to open the door. Kelley was rubbing her arm after receiving a smack from Hope for her "lovebird" comment.

"What's up guys, come on in." Tobin invited.

"We were wondering if you guys wanted to grab a quick snack with us down in the lobby before practice?" Hope brought up. Tobin looked over at Alex with a questioning look. Alex shook her head and smiled.

"Yeah, sure. Just let us get changed, quick." Alex grabbed her uniform from her bag and went into the bathroom to change, Tobin didn't mind changing in front of her teammates. She's done it countless times in the locker room. Alex finished up and came out.


"Let's hit it." Tobin smirked and the group left for the lobby.


"I don't know...I just really feel like there's something going on between them!" Julie projected to Christen, who was washing her face in the bathroom.

"I don't know why you're so concerned with it. So what if there is and so what if there isn't!" Christen retorted back.

"I just don't get why they wouldn't tell the makes no sense. Tobin knows that we all support her sexuality and would support any relationship she's in." Julie continued. Press walked out of the bathroom drying her face.

"We don't even know if anything's happening. We don't even know if Alex is gay!"

"Okay, Alex looks at Tobin as if she put the friggin stars in the sky. If she's not gay, she definitely is for Tobin. And besides, you don't just snuggle sleep like they were on the bus if there's nothing going on...and did you see the hickey on Tobin's neck?? It's totally from Alex!" Julie exclaimed.

"You're making a lot of assumptions there, JJ." Christen laughed changing into her uniform.

"I'm just saying, they'd be super cute together and they should tell us so we know and can fully appreciate how super cute they are!" Julie complained. Christen shook her head and walked up behind Julie who was shirtless digging through the duffle bag on her bed for her jersey

"I mean...we're super cute together and we haven't told the team yet..." Christen whispered into the back of Julie's shoulder, putting her hands on her waist. Her touch sent a shiver down Julie's body. Julie turned around and wrapped her arms around the girl's neck.

"Well that's because sneaking around with you is so hot" Julie teased. She leaned up kissed the forward passionately. Christen tugged Julie in closer so there was no more space between them. Julie let out a gentle moan and deepened their kiss. Christen pulled away and started leaving a trail of kisses down Julie's neck.

"You're is pretty sexy." Press whispered between kisses. Julie shoved the forward back. She fell back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. Julie climbed on top of the girl and it was her turn to kiss down Christen's neck.

"And besides...if we tell the team, Pia might stop rooming us together." Julie reached down and slid her hand over Christen's center. The forward's breath hitched hard. "And we can't have can we?" Julie questioned seductively. Christen had all she could do to catch her breath enough to answer.

" absolutely can't have that" she was just about to flip Julie over when the defender popped up.

"Good. Now get up, we need to get ready for practice!" Julie teased with a wink. Christen let out a groan before reluctantly getting up. She leaned into Julie.

"We are so finishing this later." she whispered, running her teeth across the back of the defender's neck. Julie shivered slightly and turned around quickly.

"Hm. Good thing I already planned on it, huh?" Julie shot back with a smirk, walking past the forward and out the door. "Time for practice, hot shot." Julie yelled back in the room at Christen who was still starstruck. Christen shook her head and grabbed her jacket.

"This girl is going to be the death of me."

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