The Morning After

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Tobin jumped a the sound of the alarm going off. She reached across Alex quickly and shut it off. 

6:00 am

Tobin laid back down and looked at the girl sleeping peacefully in her arms. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Alex's forehead, causing her to stir. Alex moved in tighter to Tobin and buried her face into the midfielder's neck. 

"Good morning, beautiful." Tobin smiled. 

"Mmm, hi there." Alex whispered after place a kiss on Tobin's neck. 

"We have to get up, neither one of us have anything packed...and it's a good thing my place is on the way to the field because I have nothing here to pack." Both the girls laughed at the fact that they were so unprepared for their trip. 

"But I don't wanna get up!" Alex whimpered. "You're warm...and comfy." Alex looked up and gave Tobin her puppy dog eyes as she pouted her lip. 

"Don't give me that look, we cannot be late. Trust me. You don't want to make Pia wait for you, she'll make your life hell." Tobin explained as she wiggled her way out of Alex's clutches and went into the bathroom. Alex groaned and got up. She pulled out her bag and packed away everything she needed for the weekend. "Really, Lex?!" Tobin stormed back into the room pointed at a quarter sized hickey at the base of her neck. Alex giggled and wrapped her arms around Tobin's waist. 

"What?! There's barely anything there." Alex leaned in and kissed the spot Tobin was still pointing at. "And besides, I had to mark my territory...just so everyone knows you're mine." 

"Ohh, I'm yours now, am I?" Tobin teased. 

"I'd really like you to be mine, anyway..." Alex answered shyly. Tobin leaned in and kissed Alex gently. 

"What exactly are you asking, Ms. Morgan?" Tobin smirked. Alex blushed and looked down at her hands as she fiddled with the bottom of Tobin's t-shirt. 

"Well...I was hoping that you would be my girlfriend..." Alex's voice shook as she looked up nervously. Tobin looked into Alex's eyes and smiled. She reached down and took Alex's hands, stopping her fidgeting. She brought the forward's hands up and wrapped them around her neck as she reached down and wrapped her own around Alex's waist. 

"Nothing in this world would make me happier than to be your girlfriend, Alex Morgan." Tobin smiled as she leaned in and kissed her new girlfriend deeply. Alex moaned softly, pulled away and hugged Tobin tightly. 

"You just made me really happy, Tobin." 

"And you just made me the luckiest girl in the world." Tobin flirted as she kissed Alex one more time before sitting on the edge of the bed to put her shoes on. "We've gotta get going, we still have to stop at my place before heading to the field." 

"So, what do you think that odds of us rooming together this weekend are?" Alex questioned. 

"I don't know...usually Pia rooms randomly but sometimes, for quick trips like this, she lets us choose our own roommates." Tobin responded tying up her shoes. 

"Well, if that's the case, can I choose you?" Tobin smiled. She pulled her paint legs down and stood up. 

"Of course you can choose me" Tobin leaned in and gave Alex a quick kiss on the lips. "And if you're really lucky, I'll even say yes" Tobin winked. Alex scoffed and slapped her girlfriend's arm and the two left for Tobin's place. 

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