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Dallas' cigarette hung from the corner of his mouth, smoke exhaling from his nose. He stared into the horizon with no emotion. He squinted his eyes as if he were trying to remember something. Or was thinking deeply upon something.

I jogged towards him, my hands gripped onto my text books.

He noticed me. His frown transformed into a small smile.

"Hey (Y/N), that for me?" He holds my bag. 

"Dal, I can do it myself."

He smirked. Odd. He's more silent then usual.

We walked down the sidewalk. My bag was over his shoulder. The walk home was silent. You can almost hear a pin drop.

"You broke up with her didn't you?" I finally broke the irritating silence.

He remained quiet.

"Yeah. Broad was two-timin' me. Again. Man, I sure ain't the best, but shit." He muttered. Smoke escaped his lips each time he had spoken.

We began to walk once more. Yet, there was a pain in my chest. I knew Dal was hurt. But, he's so damn stubborn never letting anyone see how he truly felt.

I stood in front of him, my hand reached out for his, "Dal, Sylvia was not worth it."

"Enough. Don't want to talk about it."

He yanked my hand off of his and continued walking off. He mumbled to himself.

I mentally cursed. Why Dal? Why don't you allow anyone to help you?

"Dal. Listen to me. From what I've seen, you're a boyfriend who truly cares. She doesn't deserve someone as handsome or sweet as you. You act all tough and cold, but I know you ain't like that. You've got a heart of gold somewhere in that dark soul. You're just too scared. I feel like you've been through too much."

He looked at me. I remembered his eyes going big. Like if I was a mind reader or somethin'. He dragged into his cigarette once more before dropping it to the floor. It fell slowly. Like a leaf falling in the breeze. He looked at me. This time it felt different.

He placed an arm around me, "Only you and Johnny understand me, (Y/N)."

"That's because you go soft on us, Dal."

"Shit. I've got to stop doing that, man. Next thing you know, you two will see me cry for the first time."

I let out a snort, "I think if that were to happen, it'd be the end of the world."

Dal looked at me. He smiled for a split second.

"How about this. You ditch homework for tonight and I'll invite you for a drink?"

My lips formed a smile, "Of course."

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