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"We are not getting into a real relationship, calm down."
"Of course we aren't. There's no way-"
"Yes, there's no way I'm your girlfriend. For Christ's sake you've said that same thing around 99 times in the last week."
"I know but-"
"I get it Aiden, even I wouldn't fancy you as my boyfriend in my wildest dreams."
"Let me speak"
"You've been speaking since the last 2 hours for God's sake!"
"No, all I'm trying to say is that are you sure this is a good plan?"

What! How could he doubt me at the final moment? It was 12 in the afternoon and we had the passes for tonight. Less than 9 hours were left and he was doubting me? He could've said that in the past week, I would've been fine with it, I would've found some other guy to support me in my plan (which I highly doubt that someone would say yes).
I still don't know why Aiden accepted my offer for the plan but I guess it had something to do with him and his relations with Jeremy. I dared not ask him, and I dared not care.

"What? You're asking me today?"
"Yeah, I'm just-"
"What if I say no? What if I say this isn't a good plan?" I scowled.
"Then I leave." He said and started laughing. I was furious. How could someone be so laid back? We had less than 9 hours left!
"Do you think this is funny?" I said standing up and ready to leave him alone laughing his guts out.
"What? Jeez sit down" he was still laughing. What in the world was so funny?
"What's so funny?" I said, not sitting down. I wasn't amused.
"Oh my, you nerd people take everything so seriously."

I snapped my head towards him. He wasn't laughing anymore but his wide smile still remained on his face. I just stared at him. How could someone be so shallow? I wasn't a nerd, or maybe I was but that was high school. His smile slowly faded away as I stared at him with something in my eyes that even I couldn't define; something composed of misery. I felt hurt, not because Aiden called me a nerd, but because I realised that the label would stick to me my entire life; first a nerd, now a workaholic.

I didn't feel angry, but at the same time I did. It was best not to say anything, and so I went out the room saying nothing but requesting him to get ready by 7. A nap followed on the dining table.
"What the hell?" I said to myself as I reviewed the clothes I borrowed from Jill. These supposedly party clothes looked like pieces of torn rags.

"Who designs these?" I asked myself looking for a brand-tag. I found none and searched for better and appropriate clothes which actually covered my body parts instead of exposing them. Jill gave me a bag of about 25 clothing pieces and most of them were just see through cotton cloths.

After half an hour of searching I finally found something comparatively good to wear. It was a black crop top with spaghetti straps, I hadn't tried it on yet, but I knew that it would fit me like a glove. I took a pair of black shorts and went to the bathroom to change. It was not very late when I realised that Aiden had just showered in the bathroom, and it was- as usual, wet.

I went back to the bedroom, shut the curtains and locked the door. Making sure that the door was properly locked, I hastily changed into my shorts and top.

"What the hell?" I said again, as I put on the crop top.

"Why does this have a zip?"
"Why is it not going to my waist?"
"What the hell?"

I struggled to pull the zipper which was on my back at that moment. My arm twisted itself in every possible angle to grab the zip but whoever made that top made sure that the wearer wouldn't be able to touch it. Trying with both my arms, laying down on the bed and then trying, taking off the top, zipping it and then putting it on; I failed in my attempts.

I grabbed it in my hand, not minding I was naked, and started staring at it for God knows what reason.

"What is your problem?" I whispered putting it on again.

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