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If you've ever felt like murdering the person standing in front of you with the ball point pen in your hand just to shut them up, you'll probably get me. You know how it goes, the person starts prattling about all the things that have happened in their life, blandly assuming that you care. Well, that's what happened with me.

I dropped myself on the black chair, ready to start the day, just like everyday. I glanced around my office cabin just to know the things were exactly same as they were yesterday.

But you see, this office cabin is my favourite place on earth, after home, of course.

The walls- white, the green potted plants kept in front of the walls making just the right contrast, and this big window, which makes me feel like the Rapunzel of this building, mostly because my office is on the 18th floor, and because I can get a perfect view of the city from here.

Enough about my odd interest with my workplace. So, as I was already saying, I sat on the chair ready to start my day. I called in my secretary, Savannah, for the day's schedule.

I work in Flycraft, the world's second best aviation company. We build aeroplanes. Well the company does. I build the designs for those planes.

I remember the struggle it took to reach here; the struggle it took to become something from nothing. "Jane, Head Director, Design Department." I thought, smiling foolishly. I couldn't be anymore contended with my job, not when I knew it was all my blood and sweat that got me here in this amazingly air-conditioned office cabin. To sum it up, I loved my job.

Savannah came in, and a pleasant person she is. She's almost my age, even though I've never really asked her, but I'm sure she's around 25. She told me about my enormous schedule for the day and gave me her charismatic smile as a sign of good luck. If I could steal something of her's it'd be her smile.

I gave her a nod as a sign of thank you and she turned around to leave my office, when I noticed her new pants, again. The company seems to be paying the woman good.

Savannah wears the same kind of attire everyday, a trouser and a blazer. She has them in all the colours possible.

I'd say I wore the same kind of attire everyday too. A knee-length dress with a long black overcoat. These March-winds weren't warm enough for me, yet.

Just after Savannah left I took in a deep breath to relax myself, it had only been around half a minute when the door flew open again. I jumped up from my seat knowing it was the CEO because he was the only one who could enter my office without permission.

Mr. Robert? Some other day. It was Barbara. My insides boiled up the second she entered. My hate for Barbara was as strong as the hate Barbie had for every villain in her movie. If I could, I would slap Barbara at any point of time.
I almost got fired because of her.
I still don't understand why Barbara did it, and why doesn't Robert fire Barbara, but there are far more important things than pondering over these silly questions.

Barbara apologised after she accepted that she was deliberately trying to get me fired. You cannot murder a person and say sorry on their funeral, but I forgave her; faked forgiving her.

"Jane! Jane! Janejanejanejane!" was the only thing she said when she put her uninvited presence in my office, and the way she said my name I thought there was a fire in the building.
"Fire?" I exclaimed with my breath on hold.
Her eyebrows were now twitched in confusion, "What? Fire? Where?"
"In the building"
She exhaled a small ugly laugh, "Haha no, there's no fire here, but there might be some spice in the news I'm gonna give you!" Her green eyes widened with, what I think as a expression of happiness. She stroked her blonde and curly hair. They might look beautiful on people but not on this witch.
She talked about telling me some spicy news.

Oh no, spicy news meant having Barbara in my office and that had two problems with that, one being Barbara's presence and second my huge work-list.

"Hey, actually I have a lot of work to do today so I was thinking that maybe we could talk about it some other time?" I said with the most fake sign of sorry in my eyes.

"Oh come on Janey, 5 minutes won't cost you your career"

I hate Barbara. And I hate "Janey".

I had zero interest in her talks. I dropped my eyelids really low, and was really hoping that she would notice that I wasn't interested, but unluckily, I couldn't play my game this time.
She started to talk with her ugly voice.

"So.. I went" she gave a long pause and the only thing I could imagine in my mind was 'to hell', "to my friend's wedding!"
It can't be this bad.
I wasn't interested even a bit, naturally my mind wandered off to different objects placed in my office As she babbled about useless stuff, I noticed a photo-frame on my desk. It had a picture of me on a beach in Australia, three years ago.

A mug my sister gave me on my birthday because she was forced by mom, was placed beside the frame. It had a heart on it and inside the heart, "Best Sister" was written. Me and my sister's relationship is alright. We care for each other but we don't talk much. She lives with my mother far away from me.

I trailed my eyes across a few more things in my cabin as I caught a few words she spoke. "Amazing.. Henry.. Fabulous.. Sick.. Fun.. Hot... Dick.." What? Must've heard it wrong "Cry.. Barbara.. Love"
And finally, "So, yea it was pretty much perfect!"
I put on a smile, thinking that maybe she would go away faster if I sum it up the way she wants "Must've been. You're so lucky."
"Haha no, I'm not lucky, I just have great friends" and great enemies, like me. "I loved talking to you but you told me you had work so, I think I'll go." Barbara was leaving, I couldn't ask for more.

As she reached for the door, she turned towards me. Was she going to speak again? Luckily all she said was, "And yes, that dick was actually small" and winked, and left.

That word reminded me of men, and men weren't really on the Top Ten of my priority list.

I took a deep breath, and got ready. Bring it on.
I worked, and worked, and worked, had lunch, and talked with Robert, and worked, and worked. It was 10 AM when I checked the time after Barbara left and now it was 3 PM. My work was almost complete, I thought of taking a break.

The Sun was brightly beaming through the window as I looked towards the skyline of my city. I loved this place and everything about it, and then without any thought I looked at my photo-frame.

A beach in Australia- 3 years ago, and the only trip I'd had after that was to my mother and sister.

I have seen people creating weird faces when I tell them this fact but according to me, if the sacrifice of leisure means more money, then be it. It's not as if I don't have any fun at all, I have Hannah to have fun with, and I have my colleagues to have fun with. I have all I need.

With this I peacefully concluded my break time.

Evening was setting in and my work was almost complete. I was writing out the data on my Excel Sheet when I heard a 'ting' sound. It came from a Facebook message. Don't ask me why I had Facebook open at work.

It was from Hannah, Hannah Cook. My best-friend. As freaky as it sounds, we have been friends since high-school. She's a fashion designer but I don't know much about her work. We do meet on our free weekends.

Last time Hannah sent me a Facebook message was 4 months ago telling me about her vacations, I wonder what brought her to send me a message on Facebook this time? Whatever vacation it maybe, I enjoyed listening to her holidays because she is one of the few people I could stand.

And after I read the message she sent I was ready to shift her name from the "People I Can Stand" list, to the "People I Can't Stand" list.

Please Vote/Comment/Share. This is my first book, I'm lost.

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