Imagine - Carlos Story Chapter 60

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1 month later...........

(Meanwhile for (yn) )

The next morning you got up at 9am because of dads funeral was today and you sighed and got up and then you got a shower and then after you got a shower you dried your hair and you straighten it and then you put make up on then you got dressed into this black dress and black pumps (which is high heels) and then you brushed your teeth and went down stairs and you had your dads dog tags on under the dress and you wore earrings and then you looked in the mirror and then you took a picture of yourself then you went downstairs and see your little brother dressed into white button up and black tie and black dress pants and nice shoes and then you said "looking nice bro" he smiled and said "thank you your look pretty" you said "thanks" then your mom came downstairs in a black dress and she said "the limo is here we gotta go now the funeral starts at 10am" then you and your mom and brother went into the limo and you headed to the church and you got there in 20 minutes and then you got there and got out of the limo and then you walked in and saw a lot of people there and then you and your brother were passing the aisles and you see Kendall, James, Logan and Carlos and just seeing them here made you smile and then you saw family members and then once you sat down in the front of the seating area the funeral began and mostly the whole time you were crying and tears went down streaming down your face and then the Prist said "now we will all go to the grave" the funeral was an hour and your little brother was holding your hand and then you walked out and then you went back into the limo and then you went to the grave yard and then you got there in 30 minutes and then you guys got out and then people showed up and then the Prist said some words then you had a rose and throw it on the coffin and then an hour later the Prist said "now we have a family member which is mr (your last name) daughter singing a song for us please come up" and you had your guitar and your singing the song I miss you and you sing "I miss you sha la la I miss you you used call me your dreamer and now I'm living my dream oh I wish up you could see I'm thinking about the past flying to fast I missed you I miss your smile and I still sherad a tear once and a while and I need you know I miss you" then the song ended and you stopped and you touched the coffin and said "I know your a great place dad but I just wanted to know I miss you so much and I love you" and then you walked over to your mom and she hugged you and Carlos looked at you and you looked at him and he mouthed "I'm here for you" and you nodded your head and the guys looked like they were going to cry but then after that was over you went into back to the limo and headed to the funeral party which was at your house and then you guys got there early and you set the food up and the picture of your dad was there and you just sighed and you said "mom I'm going to freshen up" she nod her head and you ran into your room and shut the door and you whipped your make up off and washed your face and then you dried your face with a towel and put it down and then you took off your black pumps cause they were killing your feet and then you got into black vans and then you walked downstairs and people were saying to you "I'm sorry for your lost and feel better" and then you got a drink and then sat down on the couch and then Kendall sat next to you and said "I'm really sorry (yn)" you said "it's cool" Kendall said "come on let's go out back maybe fresh air will help you" you didn't get up and Kendall leand his hand out and you took it and you both went outside and You said "why are we out here"? Kendall said "I don't want you to be upset" you said "we'll thanks but that's what a funeral is suppose to be" Kendall said "true" you said "hey why did you guys come I thought you had tour"? Kendall said "we'll because I know your dad and so do the guys little and we came for supporting you cause we love you and tour is off for little while" you said "why"? Kendall said "everyone was getting too stressed out and more fighting so we booked it off for little awhile" you said "oh" Kendall said "it's not the same without you" you said "I bet" Kendall said "we'll I just wanted to talk to you for little awhile I'm going to get a drink so ill be back" you said "alright" So Kendall walked over to get a drink and Logan James and Carlos were talking and then you walked over and James said "sorry for your lost" Logan said "we all support you" and Carlos said '"I'm really sorry (yn) I know how much your dad met to you" you said "thanks guys well I just wanted to say thanks for coming to this it really knows I got my crew who loves me and cares for me love you guys" James said "we'll we love you too" then you walked away and some people were talking to you and then you went to get a drink and then all of the sudden you bumped into Carlos and you said "sorry" Carlos said "it's cool" you nod your head and then you walked outside and in the front and then you hear "(yn)" you turned around and see Carlos and he walked up to you and said "how are you"? You said "truth"? He nod his head and you said "terrible" Carlos said "I'm sorry to hear that but just telling you I'm here for you and so are the guys" you said "we'll thanks Carlos it means a lot since you know I was close to my dad I just miss him but thanks" then all of the sudden tears rolled down your eyes and then Carlos hugged you tightly and then you wrapped your arms around your stomach and he said "I know it hurts now but I know you will get better he's always with you though okay" you nod your head and said "thanks Carlos" and he touched the back of your head and was stroking your hair and then you looked at him and he said "by the way that song you sang was beautiful" you smiled and said "thanks" and Carlos said "you know I'd do anything for you" then Carlos kissed your cheek and then you said "I better go back inside but thanks for talking to me" Carlos nodded his head and said "no problem" then you went back inside and then couple hours later the party was over and then it was around 9pm and Kendall texted you and said: Hey can you meet me at the meadows park I have something important to tell you come now then all of the sudden you walked to meadows park and then you got there and there were beautiful lights and all of the sudden you saw something that surprised you so much...........

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