Imagine - Carlos Story Chapter 13

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So the next morning you got up around 10am you rubbed your eyes and then opened them then you got up out of bed and stretched and yawned then you went into the bathroom then after you got into a strapped strip shirt with jean shorts and put your blue converse shoes on then put your hair into a high messy bun with blue headband and you put make - up on and you grabbed your phone and you walked out of the room and you grabbed cereal and milk and bowl and made yourself cereal then you sat at the little dining table and sitting in the chair and you left your phone on the table besides you and Carlos came out of his little bus bed and he smiled at you and you smiled back and said "morning baby"! Carlos came over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you and said "morning cutie"! You smiled and he let go and sat on the couch then your phone went off the ring tone was show me by big time rush and Carlos said "baby show me" he winked and you laughed and you answered your phone "hey...........what are you serious!...............wait your there now.............oh you got in last night........okay what's the hotel address.............okay I got it ...........the concert starts at 7............oh okay awesome cya at 3pm!

Then you hanged up the phone and had the biggest smile and Carlos said "who was that and you look very happy" you said "oh my mom and brother flew to our next spot today for concert" Carlos said "oh cool you miss them"? You said "yeah I did" Carlos said "your family is really nice and cool" you nod your head. (The big time rush guys have met your family before cause you worked with the guys during tours for 2 years so family goes to each year for tours)

Then Carlos said "what time you meeting them"? You said "we'll were heading to Arizona now so probley take us till 3 which I'm meeting them at 3 I should tell the bus driver" Carlos said "I wanna come" you said "okay" then you went to the bus driver told him an he nod his head in a agreement and you walked back and Carlos said "come here" you smiled and Carlos said "Come here beautiful"! Carlos grabbed your hand and he put your on his lap and you faced him and crossed your legs together and he had his arms wrapped around your waist and you smiled and Carlos said "so I was wondering in a week were heading to Paris" you said "for a concert"? Carlos said "we'll yeah but we're staying 3 days cause I asked plus we have one day off in Paris so I was wondering if you wanna spent the evening with me in Paris"? You smiled and said "yes of course I love to"!!! Carlos smiled and said "we'll okay we will" you said "your Amazing boyfriend you know that"? He nod his head and Carlos kissed you with passion and you kissed back for couple minutes then James came into the room but you both didn't noticed and he cleared his throt and you looked up and Carlos sighed and James said "get a room will yah"? You laughed and said "I'm going into my room" Carlos sighed and said to James "your just jealous and dude seriously"? James said "it's a bus don't really get much priviate" Carlos rolled his eyes and you laughed and you walked into your little room and you sat on the bed then all of the sudden you were watching tv then someone knocked on your door and you said "who is it"? Then you see Carlos opened the door and said "I missed you baby girl"!!!! Then he shut the door and jumped on your bed and you laughed the he put his arms around you and smacked his lips on your lips and you laughed then you watched tv and Carlos was singing then all of the sudden you feel asleep by Carlos singing ......

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