Imagine - Carlos Story Chapter 15

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So around 5pm you went to get ready you got your work t shirt on and you got your cargo shorts on and Jordan sneakers and you put your hair up into a high pony tail and you put a headband on and you got your mic and you put it around your neck and you got your backstage pass and you put it around your neck and you grabbed your phone and you put it in your front pocket and you walked out and it was really hot but you got into the backstage and it was cool in there so that was good then Scott came over to you and said "your going to do something different tonight" you said "which is what"? Scott said "we'll Dustin sick he can't play guitar but I know you can" you said "yeah I can" Scott said "we'll can you play electric and acoustic"? You said "yes I can play both" Scott said "okay well you can do it"? You said "sure" Scott said "you guys go on at 8 so practice little if you need help which song there singing next look to the right the singing list is on the right side" you nod your head and Scott said "give me your headset" you gave him his headset and he got your ear plugs and Scott said "you will need this for the screaming" you nod your head and Scott said "thanks (yn) it means a lot just go tell the guys so they know there in the dressing room" then you walked down the hallway and into their dressing room and opened the door and the guys were on the couch and Kendall said "oh hey what's up (yn)"? You said "Scott just wanted me to tell you ill be your new guitarist for the night since Dustin is sick" James said "you play guitar"? You said "yeah" Logan said "awesome okay cool um you don't have to come on till the first two songs we do" Carlos said "we will signal you to come out okay"? You said "when song should I come out"? James said "probley after show me cause then after show me we go to time of our life" you nod your head and said "okay" Kendall said "since it's your first time our stage with us just follow our singing beat" you said "okay" you sighed you were nervous you were stage fright and Logan said "have fun out there" you smiled and said "okay ill cya guys later" they nod and wave by and you walked out and you walked into the tech room and the one girl you work it's is older her name is Becca she said "I heard your going for guitarist for the night you nervous"? You said "big time" she laughed and you said "hey you get used to it" Becca said "yeah I know trust me" you laughed and then Becca said "um (yn) someone at the door for you" you turned around and see your mom and Luke you said "hey guys" you walked out with them and your mom said "Scott let us back but we can't stay long we gotta get to our seats soon" you said "okay thanks for the vist" Luke said "mommy said we can vist you after show" you said "okay buddy" Luke hugged you and you hugged him back and your mom said "good luck honey" you smiled and said "we'll I need luck cause I got to go as guitarist for the night cause our regular guitarist is sick" your mom smiled and said "that's wonderful honey rock out there"!!! You said "thanks mom ill cya you guys there" your mom said "okay by" Luke said "cya around" then they walked out and you walked in the tech room and Becca said "who was that"? You said "my mom and baby brother" Becca said "that's nice they flew all the way here"? You said "yeah to see me" Becca said "that's awesome so what's up with you and Carlos you guys are like the hot couple"! You laughed and said "were okay but I think Carlos is hiding something" Becca said "like what you mean"? You said "today I vist my family for little then my mom had this uptight thing where she think he will hurt me or whatever cause I didn't tell her I wasn't dating Carlos till today and I told her he won't he makes me happy you know, so long story short I asked him if he ever hurt me and to promise me he won't and he changed the subject" Becca said "maybe your mom is right (yn) Carlos is probley hiding something from you not to hurt you for that reason" you said "but I don't know what the reason is that what is driving me insane"! Becca said "maybe he will tell you when the time is right" you sighed and said "I guess whatever" Then Becca shrugged her shoulders and you nodded your head..........

Then around 758 and the guys were running in places for two minutes then stop and then you got the guitar in your hands and you put the strap around you and you got the guitar pick in your hands and Carlos whispered "nervous"? You nod your head and Carlos said "you will do fine rock out"! Then Carlos got into the line with the guys then at 8 the guys ran on stage and then they played elevate and the crowd screamed so loud you could hear it then Scott came over and said "people are going to recognize you so I want you to wear this" he gave you a hat and glasses and you put the hat backwards and you put the glasses on and then after elevate they did show me then you were nervous and Scott got you and water bottle and you grabbed it and Scott said "follow me you will be on the top" you gulped and Scott said "you will be fine actually Steve going to take you there I gotta take care of something Steve come here"! Steve was a buff guy and Steve said "what's up"? Scott said "show (yn) where she stands at" Steve said "oh okay" Then you followed Steve and you walked behind the stage and you got on this platform and Steve said "stand on it" you stand on it and Steve said "after Time of our Life it will levitate so just stand still and it will stop on its own" you mod your head and then after Time of our life was over it levitate and you stead there then you got to the top and saw millions of fans and you were nervous but you looked at the guys and you gave a nod to Carlos and Kendall said "give it up for our guitarist for the night"! James said "she is replacing Dustin because he's sick"! Logan said "sorry guys but he all wishes he can be here"!!! Carlos said "so lets start"!!! Then you were playing guitar and you were trying not to pay attention to the crowd cause you were stage fright but the song was Superstar and you were doing pretty good then you look over and see The drummer and he gave you a thumb up and you thought you were doing good the guys were dancing to their song and the crowd was cheering and singing, then you were looking at the crowd and you heard Carlos sing his solo and you looked at him and he glanced at you and smiled and you smiled back then the song ended and the crowded screamed and then they got into their positions for the next song they did City Is Ours so you play guitar and it was awesome then the guys went out in the crowd for this song with the guards and they were singing the song and standing singing to girl rushers and all they were dancing little then mid of the end of the song they go back on stage and started break dancing and it was cool they were jumping and it was so cool you were dancing little and playing guitar!!!! So after like 50 minutes you all went backstage and then you grabbed the acoustic guitar in your hands and Scott said "you don't go on till 20 minutes relax little" then he said "Guys Guys 3 minutes go go go"!!!! The guys ran into their dressing rooms then they came out in 2 minutes with new clothes on and they got water bottles and were drinking it and then they walked on stage and they were talking to the fans for little then they sang couple other songs and Scott said "(yn) your awesome out there keep up the good work"! You said "thanks" Scott said "maybe you should be our guitarist"! You laughed and said "nah I like my normal job plus stage fright"! He laughed and said "okay kiddo" then he walked away and you chugged down a little bottle of water then you went to the bathroom then came back out in couple minutes ........

Then after 20 minutes you went back on and they set up stools for you and the guys plus the 4 worldwide girls they were going to pick then you got your acoustic guitar and sat it on your lap and you were on the end of Kendall but moved a feet away and they picked their girls and they sat them down and you started playing worldwide and You didn't get jealous of Carlos girl cause she jus a girl he sings to her nod makes her dreams come true .......... So after that they played couple bettles song and you were on top again and you saw you brother and your mom in the front and they saw you and smiled at you and you smiled back..........

Then at the end of the concert Carlos said "picture time"!!!! Kendall said "everyone hands in the air"!!! Then you guys did the picture

And Logan said "thank you for our guitarist and everyone for making us rock and thanks for you guys"!! James said "we love you all"! Kendall said "we will cya soon"!! Carlos said "cya rushers"!!! Then you rocked out with the guitar while they jumped over the trampoline and then you hit a high note and stopped then you felt the level go down........

Then after that you went backstage and the guys said "(yn)"!!!! Then they all hugged you and James said "you were amazing"! Logan said "you rocked out"! Kendall said "your pretty good"! Carlos said "your awesome"! You laughed and said "thanks guys"! Then everyone on the crew team clapped for you and you smiled and said "thanks" then you put the guitar down and got a bottle of water and drank it then your mom and Luke came backstage and hugged you and said "you did amazing tonight" you said "thanks mom" Then you took the hat off and the glasses and handed them to one of the workers and said "give this to Scott" he nod his head and said "by the way awesome job" you nod and said "thanks" then you said "we'll I gotta go put stuff in the truck but you guys can see the guys there outside getting some air" Luke ran out and so do your mom then they were talking to the guys and you were helping putting stuff in the truck then after you met up with your mom and Luke and the guys and they were talking then your mom said "we'll we gotta go early flight tomorrow say by to your sister Luke" he hugged you tight and said "by sis cya when you come home" and you said "okay Lukey" then your mom said "awe get in everyone I'm taking the pic" then the guys got in the pic and you had your arms around Luke and he smiled and well you all did and she took the pic and she sent it right to your phone and you laughed and said "thanks mom" Logan said "alright we gotta go to the bus nice to see you again and awesome cya around buddy"! Logan and Kendall said by and they walked on to their bus and your mom hugged you and said "by honey I love you" you said "love you too mom" then James said by cause he was going on to th bus I guess to bed and you said by and so did Carlos and you walked on the bus together and You hear James sound asleep and you and Carlos laughed and Carlos wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you and said "I'm going to bed" you said "okay I guess" Carlos looked at you and said "what's wrong"? You said "nothing" Carlos said "your lying tell me" you said "are you hiding something from me" Carlos yawned and said "man I am tired I am going to bed goodnight" you grabbed on to Carlos shirt and said "Carlos enough of this"! Carlos smirked and said "enough of what I'm not doing anything" you said "your changing the subject" Carlos said "no I'm not by the way you grabbed on to my shirt is pretty hot" he smirked and you rolled your eyes and said "whatever Carlos" Carlos said "what are you mad at me now"? You walked up to him and traced your fingers on his shoulders to his cheek and you said "oh no baby just I will give you something if you tell me what your hiding"? Carlos said "um what you talking about"? Then you got close to his face and said "oh you know" you smirked and you whispered in his ear and said "goodnight hottie" then you walked away while he was froze and you walked away with your hips moving side to side then you shut the door and sighed and was smiling cause you know that kinda worked! Convincing him to come out and tell you! So that was going to be your plan for now on.........till the truth comes out...........

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