Drew imagine for Zoe

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Zoe's Pov-
I gasped as I entered the hotel room Drew had booked us in New York. I'd wanted to go for years and thanks to Drew I finally could.

Straight infront of me, rather than the usual wall, it was a full window. You could see the entire of NY just from that window. It was utterly breathtaking.

Seconds later I was joined by Drew who carefully placed our small suitcases on the floor next to him.

"Almost as pretty as you" he stated

I lightly hit his arm due to his cheesy remark

Drew walked towards the window and I followed him excitedly, momentarily questioning the windows safety. However that thought was quickly pushed aside when Drew had literally pressed his face against the slightly cold glass. Drew watched me intently as I nervously ran my fingers over the glass.

Before I knew it, Drew had his head resting on top of mine, one arm draped loosely around my waist and the other hand gently twirling my hair. We both could've stayed there forever just admiring the views of the gorgeous city and enjoying each other's company.

Sorry it's short and it may suck but this imagine is for justanxotherfangirl so I hope you like it xxx

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