Rainy days

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You loved rainy days with Nate as that nearly always involved spending the whole day on the sofa (or couch, however you wanna say it) wrapped up in numerous blankets with pizza and Spider-Man movies. It was a good opportunity to spend quality time with your boyfriend

Drew hated the rain, no doubt about that. So rainy days were spent with you longingly staring out of the window desperately trying to get him to go outside with you for a walk in the rain. However, no matter how much he loved you, this was one thing he always stood his ground on; no going out in the rain

Austin was never a hugely outdoorsy kinda person and neither were you, so rainy days were yet another excuse to avoid the outside world. These days would be basically anything you could do inside from building pillow forts to days cuddled up in bed.

It was very obvious to most people that Levi was very childish, and for him rainy days were one of his favourite ways to be his childish self. As soon is it started to rain, he would aways go to your shared closet, get both your coats and wellie boots, then proceeding to drag you outside to jump in puddles with him 

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