The pet he buys you

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Rabbit. You had always grown up having rabbits and Nate wanted to make you feel as at home as possible, so when you finally moved into your shared house, there was a little black rabbit sitting in a hutch in the garden. You were thrilled, you knew in your heart you had the best boyfriend you could ask for

Labrador puppy. You and Drew were both huge lovers of dogs, and since the band was getting bigger now and touring more, this meant you didn't see Drew anywhere near as much as either of you wanted to. Drew felt really bad about it, so one day when he was back from tour, you came home from work to find Drew sitting on your couch with a little puppy curled up asleep in his lap. You walked in with a look of confusion on your face. "Meet the newest Dirksen" he said with the widest smile on his face.

Grey striped kitten. To say you had an obsession with cats was an understatement. Austin was very aware of this so on Christmas morning, you sleepily followed Austin down the stairs and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the tiny grey and black striped kitten curled up asleep under the Christmas tree. You looked at Austin in disbelief and he simply smiled and nodded at you. "Merry Christmas baby" is all he said before carefully picking the kitten up and holding it infront of you, they looked adorable

Turtle. You came home from school and called through the house for Levi, "with Terry" terry was the turtle you bought him a few weeks back. You walked into the sitting room and saw not the usual one but two turtles in the tank. "Oh yeah I thought Terry was lonely so I bought him a friend, and also so you can have one too" Levi smiled widely at you "so what do you want to call her?" He asked eagerly
"How about.... Tara?"
"Perfect" he blushed and pulled you into a tight hug,
"Welcome to the Jones family Tara" Levi whispered to the tiny turtle infront of you

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