Nate And Levi Imagine For Andrea

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For @AndrearenneHoran hope you like it xx

Levi's POV-
It was no secret that lately I had become incredibly jealous of Nate. We always had this thing, as best friends seem to, of liking the same girl, and both falling hard. This made our friendship hard because we would both constantly be pretending we weren't jealous of the other.

This time however it's worse. Because for me, something about this girl is different, but for Nate it's probably the same hopeless crush as it always is and he'll get the girl, as he always does. I'm not gonna lie, it annoys me. It's the same every time. Every. Single. Damn. Time.

Andrea was just so different for me. It all felt so much more real. So much more intense. I always got lost in her deep brown eyes. I needed her, but I knew Nate would get her because he had girls falling at his feet.

There she is, play it cool Levi. This is what goes through my head every time I see her. Of course, she walks straight over to Nate. I can't help but hopelessly stare as her light brown hair flowed effortlessly behind her. She instantly could brighten up a room, if that was with her witty puns or just her presence, whatever she did, it worked. Me and Nate were falling at her feet, helplessly fighting for her. I knew Nate really liked her but he doesn't know that I do, and I can't let it show. I can't let this get to me.

I simply have to accept she will never be mine because Nate will get the girl.

As always

A/N -
Sorry if this maybe got too sad and stuff but this is where my creativeness went when you came to me with the idea so I hope you like it lovely xx

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