chapter 1

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'I just need somebody to lo-o-ove.

I-I don't need too much,

Just somebody to love

to lo-o-ove'

Justin Bieber's 'I Just Need Somebody To Love' bursted through my phone speaker. It was my phone alarm telling my it was time to get ready for the day. I got off from work at Dunkin' Donuts because my best friend/roommate got us tickets to see the one and only Justin Bieber in concert. gahh i love her like a sister. We've been roommates for 6 months since my parents kicked me out. they said it was something about being irresponsible and a disgrace to the family. My dad gave me a suitcase filled with money. i've barely made a dent in the stacks of money because i'm saving it for when i need it. with the little money i've used i paid my share of the rent for our room in this five star hotel in Hollywood. me and gabby (my best friend) have been living together in a hotel room for the past 6 months.while my parents kicked me out, gabby's story is different. she just woke up one morning and her parents weren'y there. they left her with a note telling her not to try to find them because they were sick of her and that she had 3 days to gather all her stuff and move out because they already sold the house. they moved to like the Bahamas. so we moved in with each other. she's been working at a dollar store to pay her side of the rent for our room. i've been using the suitcase money but i'm also working at Dunkin' Donuts. neither of us go to school so we each take classes online. it gives us some education so we can start good careers when we're ready.

Dana's POV

it's summertime a.k.a. the best time of the year. tonight i'm gonna party with my bff and Justin bieber. she got us tickets and i got us backstage passes. together we rule LOL. well i know its early (6:00 am) but i think im gonna start to pick out my clothes and accessories for tonight. i should wake gabby so she can do the same. we both wanna look good for JB. i cannot believe I'm gonna meet him. its been my dream since he started his career. when people were saying he's gay, i was there defending him. when people say he's a girl i'm always there setting them straight with gabby. he's like a role-model to us even though we're the same age as him.

i 'm gonna wear a short black dress that comes 2 inches above my knees with purple ruffle trim at the top (it's strapless).

Gabby picked out a short blue dress with straps.

skipping to concert

when we arrived at the huge building were i suppose the concert will be taking place, gabby and i were deciding weather to use our backstage passes before or after the concert. we decided on after so we could have time to talk to him and get to know him without him having to worry about singing afterwards.

after the first 4 or 5 songs i started to feel dizzy. i thought it was nothing so i just ignored it and sang along to 'Baby'. about 20 minutes later my vision started to go fuzzy. after that everything just went black. i can't belive this is happening now. i won't even be able to see the rest of the concert let alone meet my idol....


why do u think dana fainted?? i'll upload again tomorrow!!

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