chapter 2

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srry 4 not uploading when i said i would... plz forgive me? *gives you puppy dog face* tell me if you forgive me in the comments pwetty pweese..



i was singing baby and dancing around the stage. that's when i saw a pair of sparkling deep chocolate brown eyes. she was beautiful. 10 seconds later they snapped shut. a couple minutes passed and paramedics bursted through the door of the building. they were doing PCR and one girl next to her was on the phone in tears. i bet they were here with each other. they brought the girl out to their trusk in one of those gurney things. mi instincts told me to stop singing and go to the hospital with the girl. i know it sounds weird because i don't even know her but i trust my insticts. so i stopped singing and made my way off the stage. all og the girls i walked past screamed because i was so close to them. the girl that was on the phone and i suppose was with the girl that fainted was in the truck. i asked the paramedics if i could come and they agreed. i don't know who this  girl is or why she fainted but i wanna find out ASAP.

Gabby's POV

dana just fainted. i started crying so i called the boy who dana has a tiny crush on, ryan, who also lives in our hotel and asked him to meet us at the hospital. he agreed and hung up. thats when justin bieber stops singing and pushes his way through the croud towards dana. shortly after that he got in the back of the paramedics truck across from me with dana in between us on a gurney. there was an awkward silence between us. nobody talked. he probably knew i was a huge fan and would scream if he even said one word to me. i was so shocked about dana that even if he asked me to marry him right then and there i wouldn't listen or even care. i love my best friend (no homo) and i'm gonna be here for her through this.

Dana's POV

when i woke up i was in a room with really bright lights. it wasn't heaven but a hospital room. i saw gabby, gabby's mom, and my mom. i thought i was hallucinating when i saw the figure of justin bieber on the phone in the hallway. i asked gabby if it was really him and she told me how he stopped his whole concert to come here. why would he do that? i'm just an ordinary fan of his. oh i get it. he just felt bad for me so he tagged along to help out a fellow fan. just then the doctor came in along with justin bieber.

dr. jasper: hello dana i see that ur awake.

dana: yeah hi dr. jasper

dr. jasper: dana do you know why you fainted?

dana: no. should i?

dr. jasper: dana you have a very serious condition called.........


sorry for the cliffy and justin bieber will meet dana in the next chapter

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