Chapter 8

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When I woke up this morning I looked pretty decent. I just pulled on some yellow and purple swim trunks and grabbed some Ray Banz for disguise and made my way out the door. I was the morning of our official 3rd date. I walked out of my house and to my car. I was on my way to Dana.

We were gonna go to a waterpark. It would take a while to get there but it was cool. I like spending time with Dana even if it was just driving. This may sound pervish but images of her in a bathing will not get out of my head. Not that thats a bad thing but... Ya know.... We wouldn't want to get too excited now would we. I didnt realize I was drooling until I jerked to a stop. I was already in her apartment building parkinglot.

When I got to her door, I was about to knock, but she opened the door herself before I could. In that instant, my jaw dropped. She looked amazing. She had a light orange bakini on with small ruffles as the outline. She had a hot pink cover up that came mid-thigh. To top it off she had black Ray Banz in her hand that match mine. I know I know I'm gonna have to fight off some guys today.

"ehem.." she fake coughed, snapping me out of my daze.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer" she giggled.

" I just might take you up on that offer" I challenged playfully. She started checking me out from head to toe.

"...where's a camera when you need it.." she whispered to herself. Then out of nowhere, gabby, I think her name is, came up behind her and handed her a sparkley purple digital camera. Dana looked down and blushed furiously. She lighty threw the camera on the couch, making sure not to break it. When it landed safely, we walked to my car, a light pink still tinted on her face. That's cute, I make her nervous.

When we were on the road, I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast and Dana said she hadn't either. So we went to the McDonalds drive through. I ordered a Big Mac, large fries, a large chocolate milkshake, and a box of McNuggets. What can I say, I'm a hungry dude. I waited until Dana ordered before I drove off. If she ordered a happy meal, I was deffinately going to need a bit of her burger. I want the toy too. Unless it's one of this girl ones. Those suck. Anyway, what she ordered wasnt a Happy Meal. Heck, it wasn't a meal at all. She got a small order of fries. Ya know, the ones that come in the tiny paper pocket thingy. Wondering what else she ordered? Nope, that's it. I hope she's getting better with anorexia. I hope I can help her.

By the time we got to the water park, it had been 45 minutes. Guess how mAny french fries Dana ate. If you guessed 3, you were right. Only 3!! I mean, I downed my entire meal in less than 4 minutes. I even licked the bottom of the French frie containor. I wouldve urged her to eat more but I didn't want to offend her in any way. She was starting to steal my heart and I would never intentionally make her unhappy. I her a lot. Psssht I wasn't gonna say any other 'L' word. Are you crazy? Pshht O.o

We had been on 6 slides so far. Some were racing ones, some were just regular tubing ones. We even broke the rules and went head first in some of them. Now we were on the lazy river. Very few people recognized me with my Ray Banz. I was only asked for 5 or 6 autographs. That was nothing compared to what I usually get everyday. We were now on the lazy river on tubes. This thing was so goddamn slow. To make things more exciting, I grabbed onto Dana's hand gently, making her jump and gasp, but she quickly covered it up with an obviously fake cough. It was adorable. That was the exact reaction I was looking for.

We were waiting in line for what was said to be the biggest and best ride in all of California.... The Twister (a/n: I just completely made that name up) We were next In line. The tubes were connected so we wouldn't have to go alone. We tucked our feet in and I grabbed her hand, something I had been doing all day. Her eyes went wide when the guy pushed our float through the tunnel. I was yelling and she was screaming. This was the best ride ever it was supposed to be 3 minutes long.

About half way through the ride, I was still yelling when suddenly, Dana stopped screaming. She's probably just tired of yelling. Well that's what I believed until her hand went limp in mine. The water on this ride was pretty cold, but her hand became 10x colder within seconds. I leaned over her in the dark tunnel to check her pulse. It was impossibly weak. Her breathing was very shallow and her chest was barely moving. This ride didn't seem so fun anymore.

When the ride finally ended and we landed in the waiting pool, I already had Dana in my arms, carrying her out of the water.

"Somebody call 911!! She's unconscious!!" I yelled hoarsly. I was basically choking back tears. ALERT!! ALERT!!! BIEBER SWAG LEVELS EXTREMELY LOW!! Most of the passerbyers were just giving me weird looks. I saw one man who looked to be in his 50's pull out his dinosaur flip phone out of his backpack and dial the police. I shot him a small but increadibly grateful smile. He nodded back reassuringly and soon enough, Dana was being rushed to the hospital into the back of an ambulance.

I followed closely behind the truck in my Range Rover. That is until they ran a red light while I was Stuck at it. While waiting for the light to turn green, my eyes found their way to Dana's unfinished pocket of French fries. This was my fault. I didn't make her eat these like I should have. If I had, maybe we would still be holding hands at the water park. Maybe I would still hav a chance with her. There's no chance of that now. All hope for her to ever be my girlfriend is gone. She wont want me anymore. I just know it. She'll find out that I could've saved her and didn't. Well, at the time I didn't even know I could save her. So maybe there is hope.

ThAt is, If we are as lucky As we were last time.

Lucky for her to wake up.


Srry it was a day late. I lost my iPod but I found it in my underwear drawer. Don't ask how it got in there cuz I don't even know. Srry it's short too. I'm on my iPod so I can't type much but the next upload will be from my laptop. And don't worry, it wont be lyk last time where I left witha cliffhanger for 4 weeks. I'll upload on either Sunday or Wednesday. Kk so ily and check out the next chapter soon!! Will she wake up???!!!

O and by the way, I wanted to start a werewolf story or something like that. Pm for any suggestions!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2012 ⏰

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