Fairy tales

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I remember when I was little and my dad I'll tuck me in a night and tell me about fairy tales. Well, I believed him. I grew up knowing that I'm going to find my knight in shiny armor one day. But I almost stop believing after the age of 14 when every thing came for the worst. Dad was not here no more to tuck me in at night and tell me his story's, he was gone. I'm 16 know and I still read that one book where the princess is saved by the knight and lives happily ever after. But I know that that's a lie. I wasted half of my life for my knight in shine armor and he hasn't shown up yet. I'm stating to give up hope. I'm 18 know and I stop reading the books about fairy tales, I now know that there is no knight in shining armor he will never come, that there is no happily ever after, it's just me and the world where no such thinks as fairy tales exist.

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