What's the point in church. What is the difference in believing that we came from the Big Bang theory then being created by God. I just don't understand. My life was happy before I was forced in Church. I'm forced not to do thing that aren't right. I support the gays, but I'm constantly being told that is a sin and they need to given there heart in God to change. I think that'd bullshit, if God made man and woman then he made gays to. It has been shown through science that you came be born gay. It's funny because I remember one lesson our youth leader taught us. It was about how you can't change some one no matter how hard you try. Then how can you say "give you heart to the lord and you will change." If I can't change someone how can God change then.I'm forced not to believe in other gods. Church say that you have life easier then what it has been. Bullshit, life as a church goer is horrible. All you feel is sadness ever time. Or at lest I do. Before my dad died he was catholic. Where you talk to Virgin Mary who speakers to Jesus. I believe his religion more then the one I believe the one I'm in now. But I'm constantly being told "no you can't worship that it not right." Right my ass. The worse part is you can't miss church. I'm busy with school so the only day I have off are Saturday's. Because Monday tough Friday is school then Sunday is church. So when I complain about not going is because I'm fucking tired. Them my mom is like church is good for you. Ad your just being lazy. Bullshit, you go to school 5 day a week and learn for 9 hours straight then come home relax for a day and go to church the next. Yea not so easy.but what I'm saying is if people just relation and race behind then we c a live in peace.