Chapter 1: New Friends and Nice Snuggles.

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When Luke found himself wandering around the busy streets of New York he found that he was missing home a lot more then usual. He was used to being around his mom and brothers still even though he had been living in the states for over six months. He missed his family and he was starting to wonder why he even moved. Like yeah sure it was nice to be where he felt more like he fit in with all the people he met but he feels alone without his family.

By the time he finally noticed he was at his apartment building he tripped over something. Cursing, he stood up and went to investigate the noises he was now hearing after the fall. He must have been to into thoughts that he didn't hear the rustling in the ally. He was a good three feet into the ally when he realized maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Creepy noises, dark ally, a lone boy. Yeah maybe he should just turn around.

With that he turned around but the noises grew louder. Okay, now Luke was getting a litt-no now a lot more worried. He was almost ready to sprint out of the damn ally when he herd a little squeak. Luke's heart stopped and before he knew it another tiny noise sounded and it sounded more like a tiny meow then anything. By the time he located where it had come from a tiny kitten was standing there. Luke's heart swelled this time instead of spasming out of fear.

By the time Luke reached the kitten it was rolling onto it's back or Luke to rub it's belly. Luke 'awwwed' at the tiny creature before he went to check and see if he had a collar telling the boy where the cute creature originated from. When Luke didn't feel the price of fabric he sighed. He couldn't just leave this kitty on his own, it's dangerous out here. With a huff he stood to he full length instead of crouching and said, "Would you like to come stay with me for a little while? Hmmmm?" When the kitten meowed at him and Luke smiled.


Luke stumbled through his apartment door with the kitten in his hand. He figured it would be okay to let the kitten stay with him because he already had left over supply's that his friend left when Luke cat sit for him a while ago. Luke had always wanted a cat but he never had the time to stop into a pet store and get one. But now hopefully he had one that he could call his own. Luke set down his keys on the counter and kicked of his shoes. He noticed that the kitty was dirty from being in the ally.

He set the kitten down on the bathroom floor leaving him to explore while he got the bath water ready. While the water was running and the kitten was exploring Luke decided to change out if his favorite shirt and into something he wouldn't mind getting wet or something, when your giving a cat a bath it's unpredictable. He striped off his shirt and pants and slipped into basketball shorts that were past due to be thrown out and a plain white v neck that he'd had forever.

By the time he was done changing Luke felt eyes watching him. It was weird considering he was the only one in his apartment. He shrugged it off and turned around, he was slightly startled when he found a tiny kitten staring up at him. Just sitting and starting with a slight purr being released form him. Luke sighed heavily and scooped the kitten in his arms and carried him into the bathroom. All the while the kittens purrs grew louder.

Luke kicked the bathroom door shut with his foot and set the kitten down on the toilet while grabbing a towel from the shelf. The kitten watched him from where he sat with gleaming eyes. Luke dipped his hand into the water making sure it wouldn't hurt the young creature, finding that it was the right temperature he slid down onto his knees. It would be easier to wash him if he wasn't breaking his back in the process. He looked over to the animal and called it over.

Luke went to pick the kitten up and place it in the bath but it had other plans, totally ignoring Luke the kitten jumped into the water and let out a little puff of air. Almost like he was sighing. Luke laughed lightly, he's never seen a cat so eager to take a bath. With that he pulled out the shampoo that was the correct one for the animals age just to make sure he wasn't going to hurt him. He scooped some water in his hands and let it fall lightly over the kitten seeing how he was going to react.

When the kitten pushed up into his hand Luke figured that the cat liked the water. So the boy scooped up up a bigger sum of water and pours it on the kitten. When the kitten was all wet he poured some shampoo into his larger hand and slowly started to lather it into the animals fur. The kitten started to purr while Luke massaged him and Luke laughed lightly. Scrubbing behind the kittens ears and under his chin making his motor even louder.

Soon Luke had the kitty wrapped in the fluffy towel that he'd gotten before. Luke smiled at the sight, the kitten looked slightly mad that he'd been constricted. Luke couldn't help but to kiss the little ball of fur on the head. When Luke looked back at the creature the same gleam in the eyes appeared again. The kitten started to purr again, and Luke knew he wouldn't be able to let him go. So when the kitten dried off Luke dumped the towel into his dirty basket and crawled into bed with the little bawl of fur.

Luke looked down on the boy kitten (Luke had figured that out when washing him) and decided that he should probably name him. He looked at him, the kitten had almost a calico look to him but had more colors on him then he'd ever seen before. His main color was a burnt orange color, and he had spots of white, black, grey, brown, and almost a light pink. Luke couldn't believe it, he'd never seen those colors on a cat before. It made him feel special because of how cool this kitty was.

"Hey little guy, what do you say about me giving you a name?" Luke knew he wasn't going to get an answer but he'd ask anyway. "So, how about spot?" The kitten looked up with a grumpy look. "Okayyyy, so that looks like a no. How about a more human name?" The kitten looked a little more pleased. "So how about Dave? Alex? Stan? Jackson?" All each the kitten ignored. With a sigh and one last attempt Luke said "Fine, this is a name I was saving for a dog or something but I don't know it might fit you. How about Michael?"

With that the kitten jumped up with a happy gleam in his bright green eyes and Luke took that as a yes. The kitten stood up and trotted over to him. Luke figured he could wait to set up the rest of the kitt-no wait Michael's new stuff. Michael jumped up onto Luke's chest and curled into the crook of his neck. Luke released a content breath, and that night ended with a new friend and some very very nice cuddles.

With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur. {Muke Clemmings}Where stories live. Discover now