Chapter 5: Confusion and Heartbreak.

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When Luke took this kitten he thought It'd be easy, and that Michael would adjust perfectly but for some reason he was more of a hassle the other cats. Michael is extremely like majorly picky. Not only about the food he eats but who he's around. He only likes Luke and Ashton. So it's harder than originally thought and yeah Luke understands that kittens can be picky but he's never dealt with one to this extent.

Luke also noticed that things in his apartment were different. Things were moving and changing and it was making him confused. One day when he came home from work he found that some of his clothes were moved around and a pile of them, like a whole outfit, had just been sitting clumped on the ground. The only other thing in the room was Michael.

And one thing he majorly notice was that his shower supplies were seriously draining. He was a broke boy on a certain budget and he didn't have all the money in the world to replace the items that were running out. Like shampoo and shower jell and stuff. And to say the least Luke is just confused. But he loved his kitten.

It had grown a little but not much from the month he had gotten him which was weird. By now he should have gotten at least a little bigger, but Luke wasn't complaining seeing as he could still cuddle and hold the ball of fur perfectly. Luke could tell that Michael liked it here, he basically took the apartment over. A few weeks previous Luke went to the pet shop and picked up a few cat toys so the kitten wouldn't be bored while Luke was at work.

And now whenever Luke goes to put on his shoes or pick something up off the floor he'd have to check for a cute little toy mouse or a ball with a bell in it. No matter how many times Luke steps on a toy in the middle of the night he couldn't find it in his heart to regret what he did. He has fallen even more in love with Mikey now then the first belly rub in the ally way.

Now the once cold and boring apartment was filled with life all thanks to the tiny fluff ball that is Michael. So when Luke came home to an empty apartment one day his heart stopped. Luke frantically searched for the unusual calico kitten, whose fur had grown an even brighter pink spot lately, but to no avail. Michael was no where to be found.

When Luke finally stopped looking in the other rooms for the hundredth time he went to sit on the couch in the living room for a breather. That's when Luke noticed that his balcony door was slightly open, but open enough for the kitten to squeeze through he had idea how that'd happened. Luke ran over to the sliding door and opened it enough to squeeze through.

Luke was saddened when realizing that this was how the kitten had gotten out. He was only on the first floor, meaning not on the ground but slightly above it, so even with the hight the animal would still safely land. Luke slumped as tears filled his eyes and he slowly treaded back into his apartment. Luke had no idea how to handle this. He loved that cat so much and for him to just disappear broke his heart.

He knew only on person he could call to help him get through his kitty running away. He slumped to the kitchen where he had left his phone by his keys and picked it up. Luke had no idea how to explain this to Ashton. He opened up the text message app so he could actually tell him what happened instead of blubbering like a baby.

—To The Giggly Monster
Ashton help me
•From The Giggly Monster
What's up mate?
—To The Giggly Monster
I'm almost positive Mikey ran away, pls come over
•From The Giggly Monster
Oh shit, not our baby! Fuck, yeah I'm gonna be on my way rn. I promise.

And that's how the boys spent the night crying over a kitten, in Ashton's arms Luke laid while trying to get through a movie. Some would say it's crazy to get so worked up from just an animal but this was Luke's first ever pet and Ashton loves Mikey just the same as his own kitty. His mum never let Luke have an animal before that's why he wanted him so badly. And if Luke slept with the slider door open hoping that Mikey came home no one had to know.

With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur. {Muke Clemmings}Where stories live. Discover now