Chapter 8: Scolding and Relief, Well Sort Of.

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When Luke woke up that day to Ashton running his hands through Luke's hair and another rubbing his back he felt like everything was fine. That was until Ashton gave him a sad smile and it all rushed back to him. Mikey, his poor baby kitty, was gone. Luke's eyes teared up at the thought once again. He didn't know why he was getting so upset about this, it's not like he lost a life long pet.

But still it felt like Michael was going to be in Luke's life a lot longer that he was. Ashton without saying a word go up from the bed, Luke knew he probably was going to the bathroom or something but it still made him sad. The one thing that really made his apartment home, the little, tiny, and grumpy feline made Luke feel like he wasn't so lonely and now the feelings are all back.

Before he could get to lost in his thoughts Ashton came back in with two mugs in his hands, Luke could only assume that it was hot chocolate because that's what Luke always drinks when he's sad. "Luke, I think you should call in today. I don't think it's a good idea for you to work today. It's only about 7:00 so you still have time to call." Luke just nodded his head at Ashton's words, to exhausted to protest.

He called on Ashton's phone since he already had it in his hand. And after a long while of them laying in bed drinking their drinks in silence Luke got curious as to where his was. He searched for his phone for a minute before realizing he must have left it in the living room. He sighed, he really did not want to get up right now. He was just so exhausted from the night before and being worried about Mikey.

So he looked up at Ash with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster, which was really good since his eyes were slightly teary, and asked "Hey Ashhhhhh, will you please go get my phone from the living room?" He ended the question with a slight smile. When he saw the small Ashton got back up and went into the living room. When Luke heard a slight gasp he started to get worried, "Ash? Ashton! Are you okay?!"

By the time he was almost out of his door way he was pulled back into the room. Ashton looked like he'd just seen the most saddest and scariest thing in the world simultaneously. "Umm Luke I think I just saw Mikey. And he may it may not have been trying to jump on the balcony and I think he made it but I have no clue. And oh my god Luke this is crazy."

When Ashton finally stopped talking to catch his breath and trying to relax on his spot on the bed he pulled them down onto is when the little kitten himself came in. Luke studied him for a minute, he look just as fine as he did yesterday, but when the kitten spotted both the boys he froze in his tracks. It was almost like the kitten and boys had a staring match.

Luke jumped off the bed and race over the the tiny thing. "Oh my god Ash he's back! He's really back! Wait no I'm kinda mad at you Michael, I was worried sick. How could you leave like that, I have been worried all night! Where were you? You know what I'm just happy you're back so so so happy." Luke kissed the kitten all over and carried him to the bed. Ashton laughed at his reaction.

But nonetheless the older boy leaned down to rub the little kittens belly. Luke laughed at Mikey's reaction to Ashton's hand. He purred and became dead weight on the bed. That's when Luke notice that the pink spot had grown even brighter, that confused Luke. How could it grow brighter, like he thought it was just a random spot but now it looked like it was dyed.

But none of that mattered right now, all he knew that his kitten was back an he couldn't be more happier. He was so relived to see that Mikey was not hurt, now he was just confused. Where did the kitten go last night? If he knew his way home why didn't he come back last night? Luke was relived but at the same time the knot of worry in his stomach didn't let up. He didn't know why but he knew that some things were going to change now. And he didn't know if that was good but he sure hoped it was.

With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur. {Muke Clemmings}Where stories live. Discover now