Chapter 7: Distractions and Realization.

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When Michael's green eyes opened the next morning he knew that it was still incredibly early. Well at least for Luke and him. They usually woke up around 10:30/11:00 and it was only 8:00. He noticed that somehow in his sleep he ended up spreading over Calum's neck. It didn't look like he minded though because the pup was sound asleep. So Michael stretched and decided to get up.

He slipped trying to get down from Calum's neck and landed with a tiny thud. He let out a little squeak from the unexpected fall. He quickly glanced back at Calum and was thankful he still had not woke up. Michael stretched his small legs out and let out a yawn. He decided not to shift back yet because then he'd have to find clothes and that's to much work for him.

He trotted over to Calum's bedroom door and saw it was almost all the way closed, Calum's parents must have done it the night before. He scratched lightly at the tiny crack and after a while it slowly moved open. His bright green eyes surveyed the hallway. Its been so long since he's been here, let alone in his kitten form, so it looked weird from the new-ish angle.

He decided to go down stairs and just wander around until Calum woke up. He slowly stumbled down the stairs having a bit of a hard time with his small legs but finally made it. He let out a triumphant meow without realizing it and before he knew it he was scooped up in someone's arms. He was startled at first because the only one who's picked him up recently was Luke.

But when he realized it was just Mrs. Hood he cuddled into her embrace. He started to purr when she scratched behind his ears as she said hello and Michael meowed back. She carried him into the living room and sat down with him. For a while they just sat in silence, her petting him and a loud purr only breaking the silence. Before heavy foot steps broke down the stairs and they were met with a shifted Calum.

"Hey, sorry I have to cover someone's shift they're sick or something." Calum said. His mom looked slightly startled, "But Calum, you just spent all of last night shifted do you really think it's a good idea to go to our shop today?" Michael knew that she hated when he went in, no matter what se constantly worried about it. "Yes mom, it's not like I have a choice no one else wants to come in and I'm kinda at default being that I am the owners son you know?" He laughed lightly.

Michael decided to help Calum break the tension and meowed lightly while distracting Mrs. Hood. She loved cuddling Michael when he's in his kitten form. She picked him up and Calum said thank you with his eyes and headed into the kitchen to grab some food before getting ready for work. Michael decided that he should probably head back to Luke's.

He headed back up to Calum's room so he could find clothes for his journey. He certainly wasn't about to got the whole way home as a kitten. So he stole a old band shirt that Calum had once taken from him and put back on his old jeans. He decided that he'd walk Calum to work and then go straight home, or well to Luke's home. They headed out and when they reached the shop Calum decided that Michael just had to come in.

Michael didn't like the idea because he just saw Luke here the day before. It was growing close to the time Luke would be here so he got even more nervous and told Calum he had to go. Calum pouted slightly but made him promise to come see him again. Michael said yes anyways knowing that it was risky. He quickly left the shop and followed the familiar path and stopped into the ally way.

He undressed and shifted back. And shook his fur out. Every time his shifts his pink spot grows darker. It happens every time he dyes his hair, that's why he had such unusual fur, but on the bright side it means that the hair dye last twice as long because of the whole shifting situation. He started to make his way home when he realized, how in the hell was he supposed to get back into the apartment.

He wasn't really thinking about it when he left and oh god he was SO fucked. But he knew that he still had to go home. He slowed his pace when he saw the apartment building come into his view. He noticed that the balcony door was still open as that was super fucking good. Now he just had to find a way to get up there. He noticed that there was a small tree kinda by the balcony.

He knew it wouldn't match perfectly but it didn't hurt to try. He slowly climbed up the tree almost falling a few times. Man, he was not good at this in human form so it was even worse in kitten form. Lucky his nails made it so he didn't almost die a million times. He finally made it to a branch that would get as close as possible to his destination. It slightly wobbled with every step he took.

His nerves grew more with each step, he never had to do anything like this before. And with one final breath he took a giant leap. It was a good foot or two away from the balcony and he hoped that he would he able to close the distance. His tiny legs flailed a little as he flew in the air and his eyes water with the suddenly dryness that overcame them. And suddenly it stopped and all that could be heard was a thud.

He looked down and was so relieved that he was actually alive. He let out a tiny meow out of pride and stood there for a second. Taking everything in, after all it's not everyday he almost dies jumping onto a balcony. He decides that he's had enough of a breather and struts to the door still radiating with pride. When he goes into the bedroom of the apartment he didn't expect to see both Luke and Ashton sitting up and looking at him. Michael just had one thought, oh shit.

With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur. {Muke Clemmings}Where stories live. Discover now