She Likes The Way We Kiss In The Dark

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A/N~I so sorry for not updating sooner!thankyou whoever commented it made me reolise just how long it took me to update! lets make this chapter a good one! ill update atleast 2 times a day If I can , seen as though its the holidays.Unfortuanately I won't be able to update for a week after a week on tuesday as im in Germany.Sorry Wattpadders! @hannahtaitNJH tweet me for extra updates, Loveyou all! keep voting&commenting x

I felt a cramp in my leg as I started to wake up.someone was shaking me and I seemed to be moving?

"Babe, wake up! Im hungry and the boys wont bring me my tea! i cant movee!"Louis whined shaking my shoulder trying to wake me.

"mmmhmm, what time is it.."I yawned opening my eyes.I was extremely close to louis crotch my face layed inbetween his legs, I blushed looking up reolising how awkward that must have been for Louis.

"Sorry!"I exclamed jumping up, still blushing.

"Its okkay, uhmm yeah you erm go get some food I erm need to the toilet!"he exclamed leaping up and limping to the toilet while I laughed walking to the boys in the main bit of the bus.

"Hey Hol! About time!"Ellie exclamed looking up from the seats inthe kitchen, they had 3 pizzas.Niall with one to himself.

"was i asleep that long?"I asked looking through the was pitch black.

"yeah its like 7 pm! wheres lou"Liam asked looking round me to see if he was in the next room.

"erm, he..erm had to sort him self out"I couldnt contain my laughter, bursting out into a giggle fit. i jumped on Niall and stole half his pizza while jumping on top of zayn hiding my blushing face.

"eww, my baby sister"liam cringed

"lucky lou"harry muttered while ellie looked at me winking, Niall was too content to even care what we were saying and zayn was muffled my my hair in his face as I tried to peek at peoples faces.

"we didnt.."I trailed of walking to liam and adjusting his facial expression which was a look of total discust.

"corse u didnt!"harry winked while ellie laughed.

"heh li, stop gawking! its nothing danielle hasn't done to you"I winked walking of to go see Louis as I heard a coo of 'oooooo, daddy, you naughty boy' and a 'eww lili'from Niall who must have cought on.

"Louis are you okkay there babe"I asked leaning against the door of the bathroom.

"uhhm..yeah.. HOL-lly"he stopped him self from shouting out followed by a deep breath and a tap running.

"okkay babe"I chuckled walking off.

we were sat around the living room when Louis finally decided to show wearing trackies and a beenie.he looked fit I must say.even Ellie was gawking.I nudged her in the rib.

"owww..Holly! what was that for"she shout-whispered

"stop gawking at my lou"I said looking streight at him letting out a wink.

"thats my girl"Louis said patting his knee for me to go sit on, I did of course.

"lets play truth or dare!"Zayn suggested, earning a few 'yeahs' and a big 'no' from Liam.

"Please lili, why not?"I asked batting my eyelashes at the boy across from me.

"fine.but no bad dares for my sister"Liam gave in sending a meanful dare streight between Harry and Louis.

"but Liam ive always wanted a lap dance!"louis whined winking at liam.

"yeah Liam what about my 7 minutes in heaven"Harry joked.

this made Liam go red faced.I sent a warm smile to him letting him know they were joking.

"ill get a bottle! Niall said jumping up to get a old beer bottle from the cupboard.

"okay rules are if you dont do a dare, one item of clothing comes of"Louis exclamed, looking streight at me.this was going to be a eventful night.

Harry spun the bottle landing streight on me, oh shit.

"truth or dare?"zayn asked

"truth"I said streight faced, looking at louis face sadden and liams relax.

"ergh you spoil sport"Harry winked.

he smirked "how far have you and Louis gone"

"got off in a shower" Louis laughed at this holding me on his knee as I blushed.

"thats it, what happened earlier then?"Liam asked curiously.

"Holly slept inbetween my legs and umh.. I umm..yeah"louis trailed off.I loved how his voice arkwarded when he talked about this kinda stuff.

"oo Louis you horny boy"Ellie exclamed making me laugh.

"okay truth or dare"I asked as the bottle landed on Ellie

"dare"she said winking at me.

"I dare you to Kiss Harry for 3 minutes"I smirked as Ellie laughed and jumped on Harry proper going for it, liam&Niall moved away arkwardly as we talked for 3 minutes.

"times uplove birds!"I chuckled pulling Ellie off of Harry"harry sulked as Ellie glared at me.

"truth or dare"

the game carried on until I was in my bra&knickers, louis in his boxers and everyone else was pretyy much dressed.harry stripped himself because he felt like it and was sat with some of Ellie's knickers on.

"Holly truth or dare"Zayn laughed ober his head with alcohol

"dare"I slurred I was pretty drunk.

"strip and walk outside naked,for 10 minutes.

"im not doing that"I shook my head.

"clothes off then dear!"Harry winked as liam chucked a blanket in my direction

I took my bra off.

I hated my body, so this was awful.

wrapping a blanket around my chest and snuggling into Louis arkwardly.

"Louis truth or dare"Ellie asked

"dare"7 minutes in heaven with Holly"she pushed us into a cupboard locking the door the blanket was in the other room.well this was arkward.

"babe,ive seen you naked before,dont be nervous"Louis said turning me round to face him as I hid my chest with my hands.

"I know I just keep remembering when my adoptive dad.."I trailed off shivering at the thought.

"he isn't coming back, I promise babe, I m not him, I wont take advantage.I promise"Louis said removing my hands and placing them around his neck as he lifted me up lnto his knee.

"sorry i know you wont"I said as I looked into his eyes playing with the side of his hair, tugging it slightly.

"dont be"louis said as he gabbed my bare thighs pushing my body onto his as our lips collided.

fighting for dominance, louis licked my bottom lip.I teased him biting his slowly making him gasp as he opened his mouth I snook my tounge in.we were like this for quite a while.

"babe,its okkay we dont have to do 7 minutes in heaven,I know ur not ready yet"louis whispered moving my hair behind my ears and kissing my lips.

"thankyou"I whispered giving him a hug, we layed like this for ages untill noone came in to let us out.

"I dont think there coming back babe, lets go to sleep" louis said.

it was a small cupboard so I had tosleep on Louis chest.I was quite comfy.

"dont slide down in your sleep, as much as I want you to"Louis winked kissing my cheek before grabbing a random quilt from the shelf and wraping us in it.

"good night beautiful"louis whispered

"good night boo"I mumbled from his chest.

a/n so its getting juicy now! comment your thoughts and please vote! Love you all ill update tomorrow x

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