Stuff Thats driving Me Insane!

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"Louis where are we going!"I said staring at the blank view of fields and trees.

"its a suprise!"he laughed putting a hand on my knee while turning on capital fm.

"how long left?"I whined, i hated surprises.

"10 minutes , its gonna be perfect"he smiled.hey porshe came on the radio.

"I love this song!"I shreiked singing along with louis.

"your a really good singer babe!"Louis said looking quite suprised.

we made small talk the rest of the way there till we pulled up at a beautiful lake it was quiet with just a few familys sailing and rowing was perfect.

we got a boat and louis helped me in it.we had 1 row and we haad to get around the lake in tne fastest time to winaprize.I could tell this would be a recipe for a disaster.a sign read danger do not enter water.that would probably be hard bearing in mind how immature we both were.

I laughed and pointed out the sign to louis.

"lets break the rules"louis winked rowing really fast so we were rocking and nearly tipping in the water.

"be careful slow down!"a man said we ignored him and instead louis stood up and started carried on like this for a while untill I decided to liven it up and I pushed louis in the water.

"hey what was what for!"louis shouted while laughing trying to catch up to me in the boat.

he grabbed the edge of the boat and it tipped over making me scream.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON"I screeched grabbing onto his shouldersso I didnt sink I was quite tall but not tall enough to touch the floor.

we swam around for abit ditching he boat completely untill a lifeboat came to get us and we got kicked out.

"the look on that guys face"louis laughed bright red in the face from laughing at how mad the man was.

we had a picnic by the lake while we dried off, soon I had to go meet my real parents! I couldnt wait.I checked the time it was 5 oclock.we decided to set off back home.

"thankyou lou"I said kissing his cheek,we were both soaked.

"Your welcome love"louis said opening the door to the car and strappi g me in, what a true gentleman.

the drive home was long so I ended up going to sleep.

Liams P.O.V

Today had been great, fimdi g out Holly my best friend was my sister was possiblythe best thing ever but I couldnt help but think about what she needed to tell me and couldnt tell me without our mum&dad.It was 6 o clock and mum and dad were due any minute.Holly was rushing round making herself look presentable normaly around the house shed be wearing louis clothes or harrys but now she was wearing some of lotties leggings and a nice t shirt,she looked lovely.Mum and Dad would be proud.

"Forgod sake babe, calm down harry said standing up and pushing holly on the sofa sitting on top of her so she couldn't keep pacing around aimlessly.

"Get of harry!"she whined

"never!" harry argued.while she did a puppy dog face to niall and zayn.

"harry id get off her now, I know that look she'll get revenge"Niall warned pulling Harry off her.

"I wouldnt mind revenge, I wouldnt mind Holly sat on me to be quite honest"Harry flirted earning a ounch in the balls from Louis.

"ow!!"harry moaned

"Go plate tea up Harry Mum and Dad are here"I said while taking Hollys hand in mine leading her to meet our parents.

"Hello Liam is this Holly?"they both said there eyes were watering as we went and sat on the sofa boys got the que to leave.

"yeah thats me"Holly said smiling at her Mum and Dad.

"im so sorry Holly, I was 16 when I got pregnant with Liam I had been fine as a young Mother but when I got pregnant again Liam was 3 I couldnt cope!"she brlke down in tears as I hugged my mother.

"shh mum carry on"I said patting her shoulder.

she carried on"I sent you into care when you were 2 I couldnt cope I tried I really did but your grandma left england to live with her husband and Geoff got a new job further away from me for extra money. I was left alone, I hope you understand thats why i gave you to a lovely young couple that couldnt have children"

" I dont care that you put me to care you thought it was the best place for me, it was "Holly said her face tensing as she looked like she remembered something.

"they were nice"holly said as mum and dad happy faces on untill i caught on.

"but...what happened sis?"i asked I knew something was up.

she told us about her adoptive dad raping her and selling her and how her mum didnt care but he was searching for her.I was shocked, all this happened to my baby sister. I noticed now that the boys were stood in the room looking as shocked as anything, Louis had tears in his must hurt to know she was hurt like killed me.

"all that matters is that I dont have to go back to him and that I have a family who loves me"Holly said looking at mum and dad.

"we love you very much, we wont let him hurt you.your mother unsigned the adoption contract so you are ours now, unless you want to go back into care, I dont want to make u do anything"Dad spoke smiling at his daughter.

"of course I will dad"holly said as tears swelled up in both my parents eyes.

"welcome to the family"I said as the boys cheered and louis grabbed Holly in a big bear hug.

"is there anthing we should know about you two?"mum asked looking between Louis and Holly.

Louis laughed "shes my girlfriend"as mum smiled and hugged them both and dad sat there glaring at louis.

"hurt her and ill hurt your face"louis laughed

"id like to keep my face perfect thankyou!"we spent the rest of the evening chatting.

I loved my new little sister and id do anything to protect her.

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