Are We friends Or Are We More?

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it had been a few weeks since i had been living with the boys and i had settled in quite well , next week it was going to be my first day of year 11 andi wasnt exactlylooking forward to it.

I was in bed reading through my twitter mentions when I came across things like 'this holly girls a ugly slut, what the hell does she think shes doing going round with the boys, they can get anyone why that ugly sket' 'look how fat she is why would they want her and not me!' I bursted into tears, I didnt think i was the prettyest person ever, but im not that bad surely!

I cried for a good hour untill i heard foot steps and someone getting into my bed.

it was liam I grabbed his tshirt and cried into it for a good hour while he whispered things like 'dont wory babe, shh,its all gonna be okay, your beautiful, shh'

it only made me cry more because no one else thought so.liam was like my older brother, I had been crying for a week or two, and he always came and calmed me down.

eleanor and perrie were here and all louis cared about was eleanor. we didnt even hang out anymore.liam knew I was getting hate and he was always here so was harry when he wasnt with louis and eleanor.

'what did they say today babe'liam said rocking me in his arms as i mumbled into his T-shirt.

'babe i cant hear you,we need to tell the other boys how much hate youve been getting'liam said smiling slightly at me

'I dont want to ruin anything, louis is so happy right now, I cant ruin that!'I cried again.'shhh dont cry, he wont mind, hes your best friend, you tell eachother everything, you always have your brother leeyum but sometimes I think you might need louis too!'

'hes with eleanor though, hes always with her now, I hate it!'I punched liams chest as he yelped in pain.

'ouch!, whats happening with you and louis? whenever anyone mentions him and eleanor you get all angry or sad?'he asked

'I like him liam, I really like him, but im ugly and im fat and im not perfect and everygirls perfect for him, not me he can have anyone!'I said looking down.

'you are perfect love, loadsofboys will like you anddont tell louis I told you this but today hes dumping eleanor because he dosent think its working'my face lit up, but then I remeberedhes my best friend, I cant be happy hes breaking up with his girlfriend.can I?

'liam dont tell anyone I like him , okkay?'I said looking him streight in the eyes.

'I wont but you know some one likes you, you just need to see, its right under your nose'

he walked out.

harry came in smiling widely until he saw my tear stained eyes and immediately he ran to me.

'whats up boo?'he asked hugging me

'nothing haz dont worry about it, do you know what liams on about someone likes me right under my nose?'I said as a blush formed on his face and he smiled widely.

'nothing babe, just keep guessing!'he said walking off.

could harry like me?

nah..he cant

shouts came from downstairs el&louis were fighting again.

'yeah well i dont want to be with you louis, its over where over!'eleanor shouted slamming the door as I rushed downstairs to my best friend who was sat crying on the sofa

'lou..what happened?'I asked while siting next tohim and putting his hand in mine.he stopped crying and sniffled

'el..she broke up with me'louis said bursting into tears again.

'im so sorry louis, maybe you weren't ment to be, youll find someone who likes you.they might be right underyour nose'I said copyi liams frase and looking into his blue eyes.

'boo, i dont know but...can i do something, just close your eyes okkay?'he whispered coming closer to me asi feel his breath on my lips.

'tell me if you want me to stop..' he said while cupping my cheek and pressing his soft lips to mine, sparks flew as I kissed back.after a few seconds he pulled back looking concerened at first and then seeing the smile on my face, a smile on his formed aswell.I hugged him tight for a few minutes as I smiled widely.

me and louis had just kissed, this cannot be happening!

'I had been meening to do that since the day you walked down my drive, iwas going to dump eleanor for you, I cried because I thought you wouldnt like me, not because we broke up'louis sniffed looking down.

'lou i do like you, I really like you'I said looking at him again as a smile appeared on his face.

'guess thats a coincidence because I like you alot too..'he said cupping my cheek and kissing me again as butterflys erupted in my stomache.

'where does that leave us'I asked

'wherever you want us to be'louis replied as he kissed me again

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