Your Perfect To Me

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Holly's P.O.V

I woke up tangled in louis arms.He was breathing ueavy his breath hitting my neck.Today was the first day of school.I wasn't gonna bother going.It would just make everything worse.People know I live with One Direction.All ill get is sluts following me round asking meto tell Harry how good they think hed be in bed or how zayns such a bad boy.It would drive me insane! I lifted Louis arms off me and steped out into the cold.It was freezing! I looked around louis had chucked his Jack Wills hoodie somewhere.Looking round for it i found it under Nialls head.Typical! Not wanting him to wake up I pulled his jacket out sloly he stirred and rolled over mumbling 'oreo'haha, bless him.Louis hoodie was far to big for me it came to my knees as he was alot taller than me.I didnt careit was warm.I started to make homemade pancakes adding the mixture togetuer and pouring it on the pan.singing softly while I did.

'you look good in my clothes, even better when your singing'Louis whispered in my ear while hip put his hands over mine so that we were cooking together.He was adorable his messy hair stuck up to one side.his eyes were tired like he hadn't got any sleep at all.what was up?

'babe, you looo tired go rest.I dont have to go to school ill stay and sleep with you'I said trying to get out of going to school, not that I would anyway.I would just walk round Doncaster till school wss over then walk home.

'Im fine I just couldnt stop staring at your face, its so perfect, im so luky your mine'he said as he looked down at our hands that were now connected between us totaly ignoring the burning pancqkesnin the background.this was our fairytale moment.

'no im lucky, your handsome, kind, cute, funny, you put a smile on my face instantly and you sing like a angel'I said looking in his eyes tuat were now filled with love and not sadness. 'ilove you' we both said at the same time before Louis brought me in for a cuddle while leaving a soft kiss on my temple.

'What have you done, my babys!! NOO! your a worser cook than me and im a boy! Holly make me more pancakes!'Niall said getting in a paddy bacause we burnt breakfast.

'sorry nialler I got...distracted..ill make more, im not going to school so yeah'I said trying not to laugh at how distracted me and louis was like we were in our own little world.

'You are going to school darling! sorry to break the news to you but im driving you there myself to make sure you acctualy go and dont walk round Doncaster by yourself all day'Harry said walking into the room and talking a bite out of a apple.jumping up onto the counter and winking at me.what a flirt harrold!

'im coming too, I need a new leather jacket, haz can you drop me in town?'zayn said dressed and showered looking perfectly symetrical with his tanned face.

'sure thang'harry said imitating the american accent and failing misserably.

I would have argued to not go to school but ill just walk in school and back out just have to be careful not to bump into zayn.who im sure was just going to check I wasnt there.

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