64 Days

406 15 3


I was only in California for a week and I already learned that things here were going to be...different.

First, everything here is faster. The people here always seem to be rushing to get somewhere and once they have finally gotten there, they have to go and rush to another place.

Secondly, there were people EVERYWHERE. Millions of them. Any store I stepped foot into would have at least a dozen people. I don't like people.

Life here is a change from the lazy, boring days back in Sapulpa.

Amber and I have spent the past week shadowing Kat as she walked from class to class. She had 9 40 minute periods in a day.

We met all of her friends, some of her closest being a tall, skinny brunette named Brianne and a short blond girl named Joy.

Then there was her best friend, Melinda. She was average height, with long brown hair and piercing green eyes. She was funny and a risk-taker.

It was the last day of school, and Amber and I were here waiting as Kat took her final for Honors Lit.

The clock ticked by slowly.





The entire class jumped out of their seats and sprinted towards the door.

"Sophomore year is over with!" Melinda ran up to us from her class across the hall, hugging Kat as they both walked to her moms car.

"Upperclassmen, here we come!!" Kat yelled over the roars of all the excited teenagers.

"Time to get ready for the Summer Smash!" Melinda exclaimed. Kat explained to me that every year the high school hosted a 'Summer Smash' dance so the seniors could spend time with their younger friend in the school for one last glorious night. It was apparently the best night of the year, and Kat and her band got the gig playing for it.


I watched quietly for the past two hours as slutty freshmen grinded on one another, juniors spiked the punch, and the seniors crying as they said goodbye to their friends, even the jocks were teary eyed.

Katie had spent most of the night on stage with her band playing, but she got a thirty minute break earlier that she used to dance with me, Joy and Brianne.

Candace and Amber could not come to the party, because they didn't get the tickets in advance.

It was the last song of the night, the song that will forever be impressed as either a good or bad memory into the seniors minds.

Katie laid her reputation on the line here with this song and me, knowing the song she was about to play, was confident she would go down as a Summer Smash legend.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from my younger cousin.

From: JayBearrr

Hey, the 'rents said were having a BBQ tomorrow and to invite you and who ever you want to come. JC's stupid friends are going to come over, ewh. I NEED MY FAVORITE COUSIN.

To: JayBearrr

What time? And I'll probably just bring Katie and her two friends Candace and Amber.

From: JayBearrr


To: JayBearrr

She is actually on stage about to perform her final song of the night, which I will miss if I am texting you. So gtg I love you, see you tomorrow!

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