Chapter 1:In The Naruto World

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Picture of Snow on the side :D

*Heather's POV*

I held my knees to my chest crying softly. I hate it here,I hate my family. Why....Why....WHY!?

Everyone in my family hates me I mumbled softly

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I went wide eyed and looked around to see no one there. I soon relized it was just Aaron the demon who hangs around me. In case your wondering a long time ago when I was 5 I was living with my dad and he invited some people to live with us since they where kicked out of thier home. So my dad being the nice guy he is let them stayed as long as they needed til they get a new place. I was excited at first since I was the youngest in my family the closest person to my age in my family is my brother Jr who was 11. 6 years apart so often times I had no one to play with. During the first day though I doubted my father's decision,I frowned upon it since they were a bunch of snot nose kids and a mother who lets them steal. I hated them so much! They were always running around pushing me around always pissing me off! I even wished that their legs were cut off with a saw so they wouldn't run around the house anymore! The next morning I walked to the living room and saw one of the woman's kid crying saying he had a bad dream. After 20 minutes of constant crying he told us a big scary man chased after him,caught him and sawed off his legs. I went wide eyed at this but I brushed it off. My father got stuff that allowed him to find ghost and talk to him. After an hour we found out there was 4 demons luving in my house but the worst part was they were all in my room....Finally my dad looked at me and asked the demons do you like Heather? The answer he got scared me to death. The demon replied Yes,we like Heather no....We love Heather we will do anything she ask. My father looking slightly disturbed at the answer asked would you do anything to hurt Heather? The demon replied Of course not but you should watch those worthless animals that just take up space. After that is was every hurt Heather and we'll kill you,or we love her much more than you do. After a while I wasn't scared but I felt happy,people cared about me yea sure they were demons but at least they cared unlike my real family. Soon after we found out the woman who was living with us had used a wegi board when she was pregnant with her first born kid. A couple days later my father yelled at me and made me cry,when I got home I found out a black figure ran up to my dad and blinded him in his left eye. So after that me and Aaron(the black figure) grew closer and closer. He was like the real brother i've always wanted.

Its ok,its ok He said trying to reasure me

Today Me,Snow,JayJay,and my family we going on a plane and heading towards Alaska to visit family. I myself hated heights and my family.

HEATHER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE WERE LEAVING!!!!! My mom screamed from downstairs

I got up and grabbed my bags. Aaron came up to me and whispered, And she wonders why she's single

I giggle lightly at that. He grabbed my hand and gave me a reasuring squeeze and tells me, I'll be there the whole time. I look at him and send him a smile. I walked downstairs and see mt mom standing there her foot tapping on the ground.

HURRY UP NEXT TIME She screamed in my ear and slapped me upside the head

Yes mother i whisper quietly

And with that we headed out the door. We picked up Snow and JayJay but we all remained silent in the car.

How come no one is talking,you guys nervous? my mother said putting on her sweetest face

I stared at her I could see the hate for me in her eyes. Good bitch I hate You too I mentaly scoffed

Yea were pretty nervous Snow said scratching the back of her head

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