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 WZ means white Zetsu, BZ means Black Zetsu. I don't own Naruto or Hollywood Undead sadly :(

Me: I don't always stalk Hollywood Undead But, When I do

Sasori: Its cuz u wanna rape them

Me: Exactly :D

Heather: Don't Blame you they are pretty hot ;)

Sasori: I see how it is(goes into emo corner)

Heather: Your Hot too Sasori

Sasori: No more words, you've already spoken(leaves room, as he leaves you hear faint sobbing noises)

Heather: Awkward........

Me: Ok.....ummm lets get to the story while you go say sry to Sasori

Heather: That would be a good idea

Ok now to the story!!!

*Heather's POV*

Me and Sasori had finished our mission and were heading towards the base when we got a message from Itachi's raven. I listened as Sasori began reading the message,

Yo Sasori and Heather,

                                      When you get back were all gonna have a party and drink and relax and shit. Don't try and say no *cough* Sasori *cough* *cough*...Leader-Sama says since we've been working so hard we deserve a break :D So its been settled everyone is down, we even got Itachi to say yes ,so yea once you get home were gonna party!!!,

                                             Love, Snow And JayJay BITCHES!!!!!!!!

It was funny cuz Sasori was reading this all in a monotone voice. Sasori stared at the note a little longer, at one point I think he was trying to set it on fire with his glare.

I'm down, what about you Sasori? I asked only getting silence -________-

I stuck my hand into his face, waving it in front of him.

He seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, because just then he said ok, if you don't mind us drinking he said sending me a soft smile.

I went wide eyed, he shot me a smile, the puppet that showed no emotion shot me a smile!!!

I fell back a passed out.

#5 Mins Later#

Heather, you ok? I opened my eyes to see Sasori starting down at me.

YOU SMILED!!!! I yelled pointing my figure towards him 

He eyes widened for a minute before it turned into a glare, So what if I did?

I don't know I replied casually before walking towards the base again, leaving a sweat dropping wild Sasori behind.

I opened the door and walked inside with Sasori close behind. As soon as I walked in Snow tackled me to the ground yelling, PARTY!!

I fist pumped the air yelling YEA!!!!

#3 Hours Later#

So me, Snow, and JayJay had a couple things of sake but we were still sober. We walked around the base seeing some crazy shit, that we were video tapping >:D. One was Itachi was only dressed in a bra and underwear dancing on a striper pole money being thrown at him. Kisame, Kakuzu, and Leader-Sama were the ones throwing the money at him, while Leader-Sama was also singing Pigskin by Hollywood Undead to Itachi. Zetsu was pretty drunk too but to add too it we gave him Cocaine >:D(JayJay did at least its pretty funny XD)

We headed towards Zetsu, watching him as he rubbed the floor and laid on it.

WZ: This Floor is so soffffft Zetsu gushed

BZ: What's your name you pretty floor you, BZ said his hand petting the floor

Me, Snow's, and JayJay's Faces: 0.o

So after that we ventured down the hall a little and saw Hidan and Deidara making out.

(I'm just gonna call Heather, Snow, and JayJay sober people for this k :D)

Sober People's Faces: 0.0

Hidan looked at us and snapped yelling, CAN'T I MAKE OUT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND IN PEACE!!!

We left pretty quickly, we stopped in front of Sasori's room after hearing faint talking, we walked in and saw him with puppets of a man and woman whom i'm assuming are his dead parents. He told me that they died when he was young.

We'll always love you Sasori. Sasori said in this really high pitched girl voice

Yes we love you and we didn't kill ourselves because you were a failure to us The dad puppet gushed you too...mommy and daddy....

We then saw him take out a kunai knife and stab the puppets, cutting out their eyes, and yea we left after that.

We heard a scream coming from Konan's room so we ran to her room and opened the door to see Konan with smeared, messy make-up all over her face. She was wearing a torn blue dress, her hair was in a mess it was everywhere. She was staring at herself in the mirror and said, I'm all done, I look so pretty all the girls at the prom will be so jealous cuz I look prettier than them. She then turned to us and smiled saying, Oh are you here to take me to the prom? We nodded our heads a little scared. We lead her out side where Itachi and his little strip show was. He took one look at Konan and scoffed saying,

I'm not gonna be up staged, Sexy Body Builder Itachi, Is Out! Itachi cried in a high pitched voice snapping his figures while putting on a fur coat that I guess was there the whole time o.0 

I got a better look at Itachi, he was wearing red lipstick, golden hoop earrings, eye liner, mascara, and blush I all most lost all of my sanity if I had any left.  

Where's Tobi Snow asked looking around

Now that you mention it I haven't seen him all night JayJay replied

Let's go find him Snow suggested

We all nodded and headed towards Tobi's room. When we got in there he was making out with his pillow calling it Candy. His mask was off and he looked at us saying, Oh look Candy your stripper friends are here, Marshmallow, Cherry, and he hiccupped before saying Lexie. He was using his deeper voice, and we left before one of us punched him into a wall.

Upon going out in the hall way we saw Hidan and Deidara passed out. Snow smirked and said to go into her room and get the pink hair dye from her closet. I did and we dyed Hidan's hair hot pink XD About midnight everyone passed out. Snow, me, and JayJay all passed out not doing anymore pranks, or so you think >:D

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