Ch.2:She's Craizer Than You Think -.-

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In case you guys got confused Kankuro, Temari, and Baki were there looking at Heather but she was to fixed on Garra to notice them,sry if you got confused :D Also pic of Heather on the side :D

*Heather's POV*

I looked up to see Panda-Chan staring at me.

Don't fan-girl scream,don't fan-girl scream I kept mentaly repeating myself

Total fan-girl much I heard Aaron sigh

Shut up Aaron mister 2 tailed snake I thought back

Is that the best you could come up with Aaron replied in a mocking tone

I mentaly scowl at him. I come back from my thoughts to see everyone looking at me like I was crazy.

*JayJay's POV*

We stared at Heather,finally she woke up and stared at Garra for a little.

Please let her fan-girl scream,please it would be funny seeing that it would make my day! I thought

Cuz think about it Heather fan-girl screaming,hugging him,then an all out battle between them because Garra doesn't even know her and rejected being her husband. It would be funny as fuck!

After that Heather started making these faces like she was talking to someone. We all looked at her like she was crazy cuz she looked like it.

So after about 2 minutes of her sticking her head into the ground so we couldn't see her red face we headed towards the Kazekage Tower. Once we got their the guards we scared shit-less of Garra. Oh the look on thier faces if we told them Garra was the future Kazekage. So after 20 flights of stairs and 20 flights of Heather complaining -.- we finally made it to the Kazekage's office. Garra knocked softly,after a little we heard a come in. Garra went in first to see the Kazekage. Also known as his dad(If case you don't know JayJay,Snow,Heather are all major naruto nerds,we know whats going to happen before the characters themselves know hahahaha >:D) Heather being one of the least non-serious person in our little group wanted to have some fun. She walked up to me and asked for my belt. I of course gave her the WTF look but then I relized oh shit I am wearing a belt. I took it off and handed it to her,she smiled and nodded at me. She then put the seat belt belt a liitle past her waist. She looked over to the guard who had his back to us. She snuck up behind went on her tippy toes and whispered something in his ear. She quickly ran back took the belt off and sat on it. She then gave us the act normal look. So we did and had small talk. The guards ran over to us a look of pure disgust on his face.

Have you young ladies seen a man walking through here? The guard questioned

Yea he ran over there Heather replied acting innocent

Thank you He replied running off in the direction Heather pointed too.

Both me and Snow asked what did you do? Thats when she told us what happened and I was laughing yet at the same time like so wrong on so many levels -.-

*Heather's POV

After JayJay gave me her belt,i buckled it a little down my waist. I snuck up behind the guard,went on my tippy toes and whispered.

I have a couple minuted before my next meeting why don't we have a little play time I said in my deep voice.

I pushed him closer to me you see,

Belt buckle little down my waist feels like I have a boner from behind + deep voice making me sound like a man = Unsuspecting guard thinking he's gonna get raped >:D

I quickly ran back,took off the seat belt(the car seat buckle belt :3),sat on it,and gave Snow and JayJay the act normal look. I pointed the guards in some random direction and started laughing my ass off. Soon after Garra came out telling us to come in. So we walked in,Snow was the only one who bowed. Once she saw I didn't she hit me hard in the back forcing me to bow. I stood back up holding my back with one of my hands. Everyone in the room looked over to JayJay who was just standing there acting casual.

Aren't you going to bow like your friends did? The Kazekage questioned

*Cough* One was forced *Cough* I said while looking around

Garra narrowed his eyes at me.

No JayJay replied

Why not?The Kazekage questioned

Cuz I don't feel like it JayJay replied dryly

JayJay narrowed her eyes at the Kazekage. He just sat there a hint of amusement in his eyes. Just then the same guard plus others walked in with angry looks on their faces.

What the fuck is your guys's problem? I questioned

The guard I had tricked earlier said to JayJay,You should show respect for the Kazekage. He then turned to me and said you shouldn't swear in front of the Kazekage. JayJay walked over to the bookcase in the Kazekage office and grabbed a dictionary and walked back over to the guard. She grabbed some fake glasses from her pocket opened up the dictionary to a random page. She trailed her fingure down the page,then looked up at the guard and said,

Sorry but it seems I can't  find a single fuck to give.

I almost burst out laughing at that.

Hey Heather come here JayJay demanded

I walked over to her and she whispered something in my ear. I gave her a quick nod and walked back to where I was standing.

WHY YOU LITTLE BITCH! The guard called and grabbed a kuni knife

He charged at her aiming for her neck. She looked over to and smiled. She took a step back and snapped her fingures. I threw myself at the guard and bit down on his arm hard. I tore into his flesh intil I felt his bone. Digging my teeth in deeper I hooked onto his bone and snapped it right out of his arm. He let out a painful cry and fell to the ground gripping his arm. I grabbed the now sever bone and set it down on the Kazekage's desk. Everyone had surprised looks so they didn't even relize that me,JayJay,and Snow and broken the window and escaped.

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