Ch.4:Some Changes

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*3rd Person POV*

A door creaks open to find nothing but darkness. As the door creaks open more light from the outside fills the room. Your then able to see some what of a bed,you want over and see a darker figure sleeping. You grab the figures shoulder and gently shake it. You then hear a quiet groan. You shake harder but,the figure still only lets out quiet groans. You clearly getting mad throws the blankets. The figure now sitting up lets out a low growl and screams,


This Sasori now runs out of the room. Even in the dark you could feel the smirk on his lips as he ran out of the room.

*Heather's POV*

Thanks to Sasori i'm now wide awake. I let out a sigh and stretch. I get up from my bed,walk out of my room,and head towards the living room. Its great though me,Snow,and JayJay and been living here at the Akatsuki base for a week now. Sadly for me my hair dye came out.

Author's Note:I know I falied to mention this but Heather dyed her hair red she was also wearing contacts too and u can kinda guess where i'm heading with this

So now instead of my red hair my light golden blonde hair was there instead,I lost my contacts to because they were starting to feel uncomfortable. To my surpise I could see perfectly now. So my eyes were a golden color.(PIC OF HEATHER NOW ON THE SIDE :D) I made my way into the living room,of course not to my surpise everyone was still asleep. It was after all 3 o'clock in the morning. And thanks to Sasori I was still awake -__-. Whats done is done though. Oh I forgot to mention me and Sasori and gotten really close. It was pretty easy it started off when I said art should last a lifetime. So that got me and start with him,after some changing around I guess you could say I also ended up being his partner. So it went like,

1-Heather and Sasori

2-JayJay and Snow

3-Deidara and Tobi

Deidara was pretty pissed at me because I was now Sasori's partner but guess what bitch,HE'S MINE!!! >:D

Speaking of which I should go visit my 'partner' and ask him what the hell.

So I started walking towards his room,when I got there I didn't even botherknocking or anything,I just walked right in. Except I didn't see him,Ilooked around seeing his bathroom light on. I of course was not thinking so I barged in,steam was covering the whole room and I smelt SHAMPOO! I slammed the door shut and ran out of his room,back towards the living room trying to calm down. I sat down on the couch breathing,my face red.

I got up went back towards my room and showered and stuff.

Looking over to my alarm it said it was only 4:30,I let out a sigh and headed back towards the living room. I sat back on the couch again and turned on the T.V.

It was Mr.Happy Face By Secret Agent Bob

I watched it not remembering what happens,

There was a boy who was watching tv when thunder hit making mr.happy face come out of the tv. He runs after the boy and kills his dog,he then kills the boy ripping out his intestents(SP) which made me sick to my stomach. Just then I felt someone poke my shoulder.

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME MR.HAPPY FACE I cried trying to get away

Its just me

I stopped struggling to see Sasori standing there with an amused look on his face.

Oh,I'm sorry Sasori-Chan guess I freaked out is all I said scratching the back of my head

He then gave me a smirk and sat next to me on the couch.

Do you know why I woke you up so early He asked

Can't say I do I replied

It's because we have a mission that we have to go on in like 10 minutes He said looking over at the clock on the wall

Where to I questioned

The land of Snow he drawled

Really!? My eyes lit up and I packed all that I needed,I also wrote a note and left it on the table for Snow and JayJay

When I got back Sasori was already packed and lead me outside. There we started our 2 week long mission in the land of snow.

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