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I started to sit down on the floor to stay when D.O. came back into the studio.

"Okay you can go now!" said Chanyeol

"What? 2 seconds ago you thought that the world would end if I left this room."

"Well that was 2 seconds ago. Now the world won't end so you can leave." said Chanyeol "NOT THAT I WANT YOU TO! but you are free to go."

"Okayy...I'll just let you practice hehe." I said as I walked out

I sat back down in the couch between Baekhyun and D.O.

"Hey where did you go? I was stuck in there and forced to rap!" I yelled at D.O.

"Wow I'm so sad that I missed that! I was in the bathroom." said D.O.

"You were lucky you  missed it! She stared rambling about breakfast foods!" said Baekhyun

"Hey was it that bad!" I said as I elbowed Baekhyun gently.

"AHHH SHE STABBED ME!!" groaned Baekhyun as he threw himself to the floor

"What?! I BARELY touched him!"

"I BARELY touched him!" mimicked Baekhyun

"Ha! So you're not suffering!" I yelled at Baekhyun

"I'm such a good actor." said Baekhyun as he got back up on the couch

"I'll keep that in mind when I need a actor to act with me."

"Yes! I'm going to be in a movie guys!" yelled Baekhyun

"Good luck!" said Chen

"Okay let's go get the others and head back." said Suho as he headed towards the door

"I'm not going to sit next to Kai again." said Chen as he watched Suho walk out. "He practices and sweats so much that you get soaked just by sitting next to him!"

"Ok..thanks for the warning." I said as I stood up

D.O., Baekhyun, Chen, and I went down to the main lobby to wait for the others.

"Uh I don't want to sit next to them too.." said Baekhyun as he spotted them coming towards us.

"Ugh you guys are wimps." said D.O.

"Fine! Then you can sit next to Kai." said Chen

"Fine!" said D.O.

"This is another reason why EXO-L says Kaisoo is real" said Baekhyun

"Wait..thats actually a thing?" I said as I tried to hold in my laugh

"Yeah..."said Baekhyun as he pretended to daydream

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" asked Kai

"KAISOO!!" I yelled as I burst into laughter

"What?!" yelled Kai

"I call shotgun!!" I yelled as I ran towards the van

"NO I CAN'T SIT WITH THEM!" yelled Chen as he ran after me

"I'm so confused.."said Kai as the rest of them started walking toward the vans as well.

"It's okay you did nothing wrong." said D.O. as he put his arm over Kai's shoulder

"I'm glad that our competition over her isn't getting between our friendship." whispered Kai.

"Me too." said D.O.

"Hey! You guys want to stop flirting with each other and get in the car?" yelled Sehun

We all got into the vans and went home

"Someone get me out of here! yelled Chen from the back seat

I giggled, put my earbuds in and looked out the window


The guys started to plan the birthday party and not to ruin the surprise they texted instead of talking

Satansoo: Okay so what do guys think we should do?

Oh! Sehunnie: Hyung why is your katalk username Satansoo?

Satansoo: because _____ went on all of our accounts and changed them if you haven't noticed...

the Smiley Troller: I kinda like mine

Best Oppa Eva: I think mine is the best

Dancing Machinee: stop bragging hyung

My Healing Angel: Guys we all know mine is the best :)

Super Rich and Nice Oppa: let's get back on track guys!!

Happy Virus: I think she's been reading way to many EXO-L conversations and memes


Dancing Machinee: Guys really we have to plan

Bacon: fine...

Satansoo: I was thinking we can perform some songs for her

Best Oppa Eva: we should have it at the stadium we performed at last month!

Happy Virus: YEAH!!

the Smiley Troller: we should invite some of our friends so she can meet new people

Dancing Machinee: TAEMIN!!

Super Rich and Nice Oppa: so we can invite SHINee

My Healing Angel: can we invite ALL of SM?!?!

Dancing Machinee: NO

Best Oppa Eva: no

Bacon: No

Happy Virus: YEAH

Satansoo:do you know how many people work at SM?

My Healing Angel: sorry...

Super Rich and Nice Oppa: Guys _____ is looking at us right now...

The guys all looked up and met my eye. I had been eyeing them because they were texting either regularly or angrily into their phones.

"Uh...why are you guys yelling into your phone like you're mad at it?" I asked

"NOTHING!!" they yelled back


I bet you guys can guess who most of them are

Some of them are from "your" perspective so leave you're guesses!


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