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"Miss we have arrived at the Han River." said the chauffeur

"Thank you so much!" I got out of the van and walked down to the river.

There were bicyclists, joggers, and families just taking strolls by the river.
I decided to take a stroll first along the river. People were having picnics on fields, musicians were playing music, and some were just enjoying the scenery. A delivery motorcycle zoomed by me and stopped in front of the field with the picnickers. A man walked up to the deliverer and paid for the ordered meal.
I watched the family open the box to reveal fried chicken and they smiled and laughed like the most happiest family in the world. I smiled and continued to walk on.

"I should bring Kai oppa here for the chicken hehe." I thought
I looked back at the happy family and though "I wish I can have a happy family like that when I grow up."

I've always dreamed of my future with a loving husband and a few kids. Me having my dream job and my husband also having his dream job. The happiest family that would exist...
I continued to walk and daydream at the same time with a giant smile slapped on my face.

After some time, I turned around and headed back to where I started my stroll. The family having the picnic had left and that kind of saddened my mood.

I went over to the bicycle renting shop and rented a bicycle.

"Oh miss! You forgot your wallet!" said the employee

"Oh thank you!"
I hurried and over and received my wallet. Then I got on the bicycle and thought about which way I should ride. Where I was standing was the midpoint of the bicycle trail on the left side of the river.
To the left, the trail continued onto a bridge that was also a road for cars that was sort of dangerous and to the right, the trail was surround by nature. I chose to go to the right and started pedaling.

With the wind flowing through my hair, the cat tails by the river also waving through the wind, and the children laughing on the play sets, it felt as if there was nothing wrong with the world. The whole scenery seemed so familiar to me and it felt as if was home.

I must've ridden at least 5 miles and passed under a lot of bridges that crossed over the river. I turned back around and headed back to where I started.
While riding I started to think about EXO.

"They've all been so nice to me..what will happen when I remember my life. Will anything change? Especially my relationship with Kyungsoo oppa and Jongin oppa..."

I passed the midway point and started to ride on the trail next to the car road. I knew that it was sort of dangerous, but I just wanted to keep on riding. My brain knew that it was wrong, but my body didn't want to stop. I just wanted to keep on moving

It felt as if my whole world was perfect and I tried to make myself believe that, but I knew somewhere that in my mind something wasn't right..

*beep beep* *beep beep*

Even with all the car noises on the bridge I stayed focused on the bike trail and looked ahead where the bridge connected onto land again. For a split second my thoughts flickered back onto EXO again. I quickly shook it out and checked my surroundings to make sure I was safe.

I turned my head around to see a white car right behind me in the bicycle road.
The car had accidentally swerved into the bicycle road.

"WATCH OUT!" yelled someone

Before I knew it I was thrown off my bike and was thrown into the air. It felt as if time slowed down. I saw myself flip midair and saw all the people watching me. Their faces were filled with horror. My mind blacked out during mid flight.

"Her head!"
"Please back up. We have to bring her into the ambulance please"
"Officer! I think this is her wallet!"
"Report back to the hospital that we have an unconscious patient from the Han River"
"Such a pretty face to be all bloody.."

What do you think?
Please I would love some feedback!


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